Beyond Redemption – iTunes

Category “iTunes”

Depeche Mode!

Friday, 6 September, 2013

So, I’m going to see Depeche Mode at the Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn tonight and I’m pretty stoked. I haven’t seen them since the “Playing the Angel” tour (I’ve seen them about 4 times altogether) and I’m really hoping that they do a lot of the classics cause the new CD, “Delta Machine” just isn’t all that great to me. >.>

Some group called “Bats for Lashes” is the opening act, so I looked them up to decide if I wanted to get there early enough to catch their set and they’re pretty good. (At least this song is)

It’s kinda nice to be doing something enjoyable today since my mom’s anniversary is tomorrow. I may even grab a t-shirt (I have so many from different concerts!).

My back issues have reappeared, so I’m doing meds and stretches again. Sigh. My arms are angry, too, but I’m not willing to stop writing yet. My sleep patterns are way off again as well, which makes everything worse, and I’ll be having many doc visits in the coming months. Joy.

Right now, tho, I’m in the process of cleaning up “The More Things Change” so I can send it to Onna with a lil red bow, and then I’ll work on some other stuff you guys have been waiting for. ( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡


Sick, But Present.

Saturday, 24 August, 2013

I was really sick on Friday. The kind of sick that keeps you in bed all day long and contemplating a visit to the ER. I’m feeling a bit better now, but not 100%. I’m so sick of this shit, for real. I want one day where something isn’t fucking haywire.

Thursday night I actually got a tiny bit of writing done. I’m hoping to do a bit more tonight, but it probably won’t be much since I’m still recovering. Sigh. I wasn’t happy with what I had, either, but I’m not going to complain too much. The words don’t want to come at all, so beggars can’t be choosy! For a while, chapters may be kind of uneventful, or even dry, but that’s because I’m forcing it now ’cause I have no choice. >.> Yay.

I also popped in at one of my favorite Industrial artist’s website, Assemblage23, and bought a bunch of music. Apparently, he had his own label and had some good acts signed to it. Two of which are, Lost Signal and Espermachine. They’re both fucking awesome (If you like stuff like VNV Nation or Seabound, or Covenent, you’ll like these guys), so expect to hear them on Absolution shortly. Assemblage23 also covered one of my favorite 80’s songs, “Love My Way” by the Psychedelic Furs and it sounds so neat! Embarrassed The digital albums were super cheap, too, and it was nice to support some of my indie groups, especially Assemblage23, whom I love!

Oh, and kau bought me a new computer chair and a back massage thingy that fits into the chair. How awesome is she??? We don’t like the chair much, so I’m debating sending it back. The site wasn’t that forthcoming about the thing and we’re a little unhappy with it in person. The massage thingy, I’ll keep and see how it works out.

Okay, gonna try a bit of writing and see how it goes.

P.S. Wanna read the translation of the new InuYasha drama CD?
It’s actually cute… even if they did make InuYasha look like an idiot. Again.

The Good, The Meh, and The Squee

Thursday, 28 February, 2013

There is good news (for me) and “meh” news (for you guys).

The good news is that I got the coolest gift bag yesterday from my girl, Neo! She made some awesome Kevin Woo graphics and lovely wallpapers created with some of my commissioned art. One is from an art that you guys haven’t seen yet, so I won’t be posting it to my gallery until you have. The other, I liked so much, I plan to make it a header at the site. It was a fantastic early birthday gift!

*Squee* Sweet Kiss

The “meh” news is that I’m not happy with how my update is coming. I haven’t posted on this story for a long time, so it’s bound to be like this after such a big hiatus, but sill, grrr.  I’m at the halfway point, I guess, but I already know that I probably won’t be satisfied with the final product. Yes, yes… We’re often our own harshest critic, but I know what I like and what I don’t. However, at this point, I’ll take an “okay” chapter rather than continue to bury it in the backyard like a body. >.>

Either way, me thinks there should be an update come Saturday.

Oh, and I spent the morning listening to Breaking Benjamin. Let me just say that they’re fucking brilliant. If you haven’t listened to them, what the hell are you waiting for?! What a fucking voice, especially on the acoustic stuff. I’d love to see them live…  An Absolution playlist will follow at some point, I’m sure.

EDIT: Well, I literally spent the night writing since I don’t have anything to do for the whole weekend. (I refuse to do shit on my birthday weekend, dammit!). I’m still not done, but it’s flowing a lot better than it was. This one will be a bit longer than what I’ve been doing lately since I have a lot of ground to cover, but it won’t be some 8k monster. Those days are kinda over.  So, I’m off to sleep now (at 10:30 am). If I don’t go see Warm Bodies tonight, I’ll try to finish up and post sometime tomorrow.

Happy Turkey Day!

Wednesday, 21 November, 2012

Just wanted to shout out a quick Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Sorry I’m still MIA. It’s like, I want to write, yet I’m not really motivated to. Odd, huh? Hopefully that will change over this relaxing T-day weekend. I’m having family tomorrow, so, yup, your Grrrl is cooking (starting tonight), but after that, I’m pretty much free.

My Kau spoiled me with tickets to go see Coheed & Cambria again in March (Early birthday gift) and she sent over a full box of goodies! Lindt’s desserts (best chocolate makers EVA), fancy cookies, Hello Kitty candy and cocoa, candy-coated sunflower seeds (They’re awesome), and a slew of other stuff. She also sent me a Blu Ray player as an early Xmas gift (I don’t watch much TV, so never had a real need for one before, but this one is cool because I can stream Netflix, Youtube, and Pandora through it. Squee!).  AND she’s sending 2 more boxes of munchies. I haz supremely spoiled! She’s the best Kau ever! Propose

I’m totally addicted to my iPad. I looooove being able to go to bed and play games until I conk out. I suppose I could have done that with my iPod, but I hate the small screen for stuff like that. Videos only! Now i I can just get my hands on this case in the very near future I’ll have it made!

Isn’t it so cute?! I already have a charcoal-colored smart cover, but you know pink and Hello Kitty is mah thing, so… 😛  Already found a place that sells it, too, so I shall be getting one shortly and it will nicely compliment my custom ordered Kevin Woo carrying case. (Hey, if I’m gonna have an awesome, portable tab, then I need to deck it out in all my faves!).

In nerdy music news…

I love Pandora. I made a “Depeche Mode” channel and they play the funnest stuff from some of my fave groups (Like The Cure and The Pet Shop Boys!), and I even discovered some cool groups that I didn’t know about, so it’s been really getting me in the mood to write… And I like Justin Bieber’s new album. Listened to the whole thing and he’s really matured. As Long as You Love Me is brilliant (except for that horrible rap). Anyone who says that’s not a good song is full of shit. That song is awesome -and so are the remixes for it. Beauty and a Beat and Take You are also very good. I’ve always liked that kid (even if I wasn’t too into the music), so I’m happy for him that he’s getting better with time. Haters are just gon’ hate, but he’s doing his thing.

Anywho, I promise to get off my lazy butt and get a chapter completed. I’ve started several already; it’s just a matter of finishing some scenes and editing.

Have a fun holiday! Well Done


Tuesday, 24 April, 2012


DoraDora isn’t as fast-paced as I expected (we only got to hear clips). But I do like the song and the album has a few more songs than I expected, but it’s still a mini album.

One of the highlights of the album is the new Korean version of Tick Tack called Tick Tock (Out of Time). It sounds so different, yet awesome. The words have been changed, and my beloved Kevin’s parts are all different, but I really like it! *dances*

Shall I give you guys a listen?
I think I will! 😛

Now, I’m just waiting to see the DoraDora video. Squee!
Did you guys know that I adore U-KISS? Yeah, you know dat! XD

Working on a lil something for someone, so I must skidaddle if I hope to finish today. But I had to squee about my Kevin for a moment.


Wednesday, 27 January, 2010


It’s been a long ass time since I’ve updated this thing regularly, but that’s about to change. I had some shit in real life going on -and it still is- but I realized that I was letting it drag me down and get me in a crappy state of mind. Total opposite of my goals for the new year, so you know what? Fuck it.

Yeah, you heard me. 😛

Life only happens once and then you’re gone. I’m not going to waste mine letting all the pressures of real life squeeze me. I’m going to do what I have to do, but I’m also going to keep having my fun and doing the things I love. I advise y’all do the same.

*Throws a ‘fuck it’ party* xD

Okay, onto the fun shit! Lisztomania is fucking awesome. Now, I realize y’all may not be able to get into that song. >.> But some of y’all (Am, I’m looking at you) may get it. I heard this song after pursuing another song by Phoenix called “1901” from the “Rock Band” video game (I saw a commercial). So, I got my hands on the CD (Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix) and heard this song.

I fucking love it.

Music is my thing. I love it more than InuYasha and I can usually decide if a song is the shit on the first listen. Well, this song had me bouncing from the first note. It’s catchy as FUCK. Of course, that made me get their earlier CDs and there are a few gems, so I’m adding them to my permanent iTunes list. Wanna hear them for yourself? You know where to go. >.> I also got my hands on Professional Murder Music’s discography and they’re good as well. Again, you know where to go if you want a listen.

Now for the movie review.

This week I finally saw Precious. Mo’ nique (Why does she spell her name this way?) earned the awards she’s been receiving, trust me on that one, but I have many, many issues with this film (and none of it has to do with anyone’s acting ability. Well, except Mariah’s. <.<) I understand what they were trying to say, or rather, what they expect you to feel, but all I took away from this film was anger. I'm not going to go into all of the things about it that pissed me off, but I will say this: When I saw the lead character described as a "typical" Black Harlem teenager in a synopsis, I was offended. There is nothing typical about that situation and the implication that accompanies such a statement makes me fucking furious.

I’m going to leave it at that.

Out of a possible five Yashas, I give this 2.

Onto more pleasant stuff! 😀

I want to thank everyone that came out to show the new story, With Honor, some love. I wrote it for Selina, but it makes me really happy to see such a positive response. So, thank you. :) I finally updated Loved, too, and that wasn’t just a job >.> it was a fucking adventure. <.< I've had a retarded amount of block on that one so it took months to finally finish the chap I started back in July. Horrid. I don't know what's up with me. Everything just gives me the fucking business, and I know I'm probably being too hard on myself (as always), but if I'm not satisfied, I automatically think no one else will be, either. Urg. My hope is to get more chapters done this week, but they'll probably be short. And forced. I'm not feeling very creative, so you'll probably feel that when you read them. But I'm at a point that if I don't at least try to work on older fics I’ll dump them all. For srs. So, if you like what you read, review and tell me so. Trust me >.> seeing that people want updates stops me from cutting shit off at the knees (the way I’d like to).

In other news, I’ve done more pulling away from fandom. Not from my lovelies, just this fandom. I find that I’m a lot happier when I’m not involved with people/places/things outside of my bubble aka the Feudal Pulp Fiction Network. I don’t like most of what’s out there and don’t need it. I’m content to write for YOU guys without any of the meaningless, bullshit accolades, gossip, and fuckery that these ‘no life’ types seem to indulge in. I have readers on and deviant art and that’s the only reason why I will continue to post there. Otherwise, I’m perfectly happy opening my home (Absolution) to my lovelies and surrounding myself with their humor and positive energy. The rest of this shit can blow.

I guess you can call me a happy recluse! 😀

Allrighty, I’m going to start dinner and open another half written chapter from, like, a year ago. >.> And YES, I will be posting the end of the OC fic soon. Thanks, again, for supporting that one. As I’ve said before, it means a lot because it was way out of my norm/comfort level, and y’all took the time to encourage it anyway. That’s why you’re my lovelies. <3 Happy Motherfuckin' Hump Day! [caption id="attachment_601" align="aligncenter" width="491" caption="Sakuban. Enough said."]Sakuban. Enough said.[/caption]