Beyond Redemption – Absolution

Category “Absolution”

A Wee Shot in the Arm.

Monday, 18 June, 2012

So, first off, I want to give a big thanks to everyone who showed Pas De Deux some review love as well as gave me condolences. I appreciate it and I’m glad you dug the ending. I can’t really respond to reviews right now -saving my hands for other things (TBC), but I’ve read them all and they’ve made me really happy. A few things:

There are 5 main positions in ballet, which accounts for the first 5 chap titles. Coda is the end of the dance. So I hope things make sense now.

To anyone who thinks it felt rushed or quick, it actually went longer than intended. I wanted to end it at 5. 6 was a bonus chapter, so be happy for it, lol. There was never any intention to go farther -content wise- than I did. So don’t think I left anything out since it was never supposed to go there in the first place.

And again, thanks for the love. <3 Now, in other news... I got my header graphic from Neo the Great, and woo hoo! I love it. Simple, but awesome, and my art, done by the FABULOUS Cati, is the icing on my cupcake. But most of all, the art, which was only supposed to be more of my AU ideas at work, inspired an actual story! XD Here are some details: It will be short -10-12 chapters maximum. It's a period piece. There will definitely be adult themes that will make many of you a bit uncomfortable. The plot is off the top of my head (wrote the whole thing out 10 minutes ago), but the backdrop of the story isn't new. (Fuck, nothing in fanfic is new. snort.) I plan to start the prologue right away so it can 'debut' with the skin (like that, huh? :P). That's really all I can say on it until it's ready to go... In other, other news…

I feel like I got a little fanfic boost and will be working hard to get you guys another update in the next couple of days. I have one that’s nearly complete (just need to add a section or two), so that will probably be next. I’ll be working on the start of the new story in between, along with some chapters as well.

Hopefully, this will be a summer of prose. ^^

Kevin Woo fanart!

Happy Memorial Day! (And Other Stuff!)

Monday, 28 May, 2012

This is quite late since it’s after 7pm here, but Happy Memorial Day to our vets and their families. As someone who is PRO military, I appreciate the sacrifices you’ve made for this country and its people (even though many couldn’t care less about what you’ve gone through to ensure the freedoms they take for granted). I hope you all had a great weekend! <3 Now, on a personal note... I'm super excited because I'm going to see Snow White and the Huntsman on Thursday for a midnight screening. \o/ I like Charlize Theron a lot (she is gorgeous), so I really want to see her play the wicked witch. I’m loving her black outfit in this thing (and that milk bath? wah!). Unfortunately, I’ll have to sit through Twilight girl as well, but that’s a small price to pay to see Charlize. I just hate that we ALL know how this thing will end. >.> Oh, and seeing Thor is an added bonus.

Mmmm…. Thor….

Ahem. Anyway, I’m stoked for Thursday! I also did more writing yesterday. I didn’t like it, but Kau loved it (I always give her “advanced screenings”) and she says I’m too hard on myself. Yeah, probably, but I tend to hate struggling. -___- So when I do, I automatically don’t like the results because it didn’t come easily to me. *grumble* But I’m gonna stop caring about that because I need to write something or I never will.

I say that a lot, but it’s true. I’m at a point now where I can go days upon days without even thinking about writing. NOT GOOD. So I’m forcing myself to write a little bit everyday, even if it’s a few lines, ya know? Believe me, it would be all too easy to never lift my pen again because I have no interest in it anymore, but I made a promise to my loyal lovelies, so for you, I’m going to keep trying until if it kills me.

Speaking of writing! I must give monster thanks to everyone who has left such kind reviews for me over the last few weeks. Especially those who’ve been rereading the “classics” and reminding me of how much fun this used to be for me. I so appreciated that. You have no idea… <3 In all honesty, I miss how much I loved InuYasha and writing his stories. He'll always be a part of who I am because he let me "spread my wings", so to speak. That's why I can't just let his "pulp-fiction" go without proper send offs. I just hope it's something I can accomplish before all the words disappear. Okay, enough depressing shit! Your Grrrl is turning 7 on June 16th, so I'll expect my lovelies to pop by the site that day to see the celebratory skin and say what's up because it will be Absolution's 6th birthday as well. Who knows, I may even be giving a few literary gifts to those who have waited so long... ^____^

Just To Clear Things Up…

Thursday, 17 May, 2012

My pissy post from the other day day was NOT fandom related. That was real life putting me through the paces. And the closure of the site wasn’t related to it, either. I usually shut down (Not all the time, though) when I’m going to back up my content and/or perform maintenance. >.> But sometimes I forget to reopen the site again. Heh.

Admittedly, sometimes I close shop for a bit because visitors are doing things that get on my fucking nerves. So, unfortunately for everyone else, they end up paying for the actions of one. It really depends. But yeah, wanted to put that out there.

Hello Lovelies….

Wednesday, 9 May, 2012

Not even sure who visits this blog -or not- but I figured I should update since it’s been several days since the last one. I’ve been a little sick (fever, aches, the usual). I’m better today, though, and even getting ready to do a bit of writing. The bad news is that I hurt my hand some kind of way. Out of nowhere, I can’t put pressure on my left hand/wrist. Hurts like hell when I do. Have no idea why, either since I don’t recall hurting myself… The other wack news is that my carpal is acting up, again, not sure why since I haven’t been typing that much. *grumble*

That said, I do have my hand braces, and I’m not in screaming pain, so I’m still gonna write. I won’t repeat the state of my IY inspiration. You guys know all that, so I’ll just say that I’ll post what I can. Whether it’s awesome, good, or just okay, at least an effort will be made, and these days, that’s all I can ask of myself.

As for the members, thanks for all the great reviews and kind words. I appreciate them and they serve as a reminder that even if my focus is shifting, I still have people who want to read my works and are patiently waiting. ^^

Finally Feeling Creative

Tuesday, 3 April, 2012

I admit that I’ve been lazy this week. I’ve been reading manga non-stop (when I’m not working and such) and haven’t felt like writing. However, I notice that manga has been inspiring ideas out of me and last night, on a whim after reading a few, I started writing a new plot.

Right now, I’m ironing out the roles and back stories. It’s not the kind of story I’ve written before, though I’m sure a plot like it is probably out there (because not much hasn’t been done somewhere in some way), but as with all my stories, my plot is an original of my own, written entirely by me and I’m pretty happy with how the details are coming along. It’s nice to feel creative and excited for something IY-related since my enthusiasm for fanfic is so low these days.

It will also be my first multi-chapter offering exclusively available to the members of my site. You guys will be the first, and only, people who will be allowed to read it when I finally start posting it. \o/

I also have ideas for other small stories. They’re what I call “empty plots” that would warrant short reads of about 1-5 chapters. If you read manga, think in terms of Shoujo/Slice of Life manga that are one volume or less with simple plots.

There’s also this 100 prompt challenge I’m thinking of doing. But again, that would be exclusive to my site. I haven’t determined the word length yet, but I’m considering 1000 words or less per. So, it would really be like short oneshots. I may make them intertwine, I may not, but they’d be quick little reads posted between my serious updates.

What do you think? You can answer in the poll.

I should add that even if you choose something like, “I only want updates on current fiction”, you’re not guaranteed anything. It all depends on what I feel like doing. If I don’t think other things I may want to try will be well-received, I probably won’t bother doing them (since writing is such a chore now), but that doesn’t mean the stories I get hounded about -like The Neighbor- will be updated any the faster. I usually do other projects when I have block (it helps), but if I’m not doing anything when blocked, I simply won’t update rather than force myself like I used to. So, yeah, you still may wait months before whatever you’re religiously following sees an update.


Wednesday, 21 March, 2012

It’s been a really long last 7 days, today, especially. I’ve had a lot of work and a lot of running around to do. I’m exhausted, cranky, and sick of people in general. You’d be surprised how many buttheads exist in the world -and they always seem to be gathered in the same place -MY FUCKING PATH!

Then I saw some reviews that made me sigh. And then delete. Seriously, if a character/storyline/whatever irks you, keep it to yourself. The story is the story; deal with it or dump it. But people thinking that IK should just meet, fall in love on sight, and have 20 kids -wake up. I don’t write that way and never have. If you can only deal with fluff, I have other authors I can point you to, ’cause that isn’t my genre and never will be.

Or better yet, if you don’t have a positive comment, don’t say anything at all and make life nicer for both of us. Suck it up, or drop the story. I don’t care which one.

For everyone else, after I get some much needed sleep (and less of a bitch on roids), I’m going to start typing up some stuff. The plan is to update by weekend, but I don’t know what story it’ll be. I’m gonna go with whatever doesn’t give me hell. It may be something that was recently updated, or it could be something that hasn’t seen an update in months. may be popular, may not be. But I’ll do what I can once I get myself relaxed again.

P.SS. Isn’t the song playing cool? Man-Man pointed me toward it. Awesome stuff!


And Then There Were None.

Tuesday, 13 March, 2012

Money. Power. Respect.
The Neighbor
The Knife of Romance
Last Exit to Eden
If I Want To
In His Eyes
The Girlfriend Experience (Honorary)


So, first, I’m totally sorry that MPR decided to be a bitch and give me major headaches. It completely jacked FA Month by about 2 fucking weeks. >.< But hey, you got the rest, right? So we'll just sweep this lil incident under the rug... Did you like the art? It's a simplistic concept (I had a more complicated one, but it couldn't be done without major headaches) that went with the theme of the fiction, but Sarah's art style is delicious. I hate to say it, but I fell in love with Sesshomaru in that art (not that Yash and Miroku aren’t gorgeous, too, but she can really draw her some Sessie!). Hope you enjoyed the eye candy!

Now that it’s over, and I’ve updated the ones with the most votes, I’m pretty free to update whatever strikes me next. I do have a set of stories that I really want to update (mentioned a few posts back), but I don’t want another MPR nightmare. I want to update whatever comes to me, so that list may go out the window. I also have a couple of new fictions that I want to start, so yeah, chaotic. Plus, MPR hurt my hands again. ARGH.

I’m going to try to update once a week -if I’m lucky- and twice a week -if life loves me. How’s that? If I’m inspired (and my hands allow me) to do more, you know I will. I want to finish these damn stories already. Plus, I have another fandom I’m interested in writing for, but I don’t want to get too deep into that when I have so much IY hanging over my head. You’re probably thinking, “Awww, shit. She’s dumping IY, too. All of my favorite authors are seriously jumping ship!”

I’ll be honest and say, “I don’t know.” I still love InuYasha, but I don’t know how much I’m still inspired to write for him. That’s a big reason why I’m being a stickler with reviews. If people love the stories and the work I do, show it, or it becomes exceptionally easy for me to immerse myself in other things that can quickly become passions and then you really won’t see any more updates from me. So, whether I continue to entertain you really depends on just how much you guys show that you’d like me to.

And speaking of reviews…

Now that MPR is up, Absolution is going into lockdown with no forewarning. It could be today, it could be a week from now. It all depends, so if you don’t have an account, but would like one –with the condition that you become an active reviewer– follow the directions on the site.

Do’s and don’ts?

DO introduce yourself properly when you e-mail and follow the directions on how to contact me at the site. I’m going to start deleting requests from those who can’t follow directions.

DO realize that receiving and keeping an account is dependent upon your ability to review. You’re not being asked to review every chapter, but if I only see your name once in a while, you’re getting kicked.

DON’T send me incomplete requests. Read the format carefully and thoroughly. As mentioned above, I’m going to start deleting requests that didn’t follow those simple rules.

DON’T be afraid to make the request in the first place. I don’t bite, and if you don’t ask, you will be locked out, so why not give it a shot? (U-KISS fans are a plus… XD)

In other news, as mentioned, I got my new art for The Neighbor and I really like it! It was done by Fanasy and I’m really loving her style! I have several arts from her already and can tell that I’ll be getting a few more. 😀 I love visual pretties! I have a few other stories on my list, but rest assured that I won’t be taking too long to update that one again. It’s half-over, so I don’t want it to drag out any longer than it already has. *crosses fingers for inspiration*

I’m out! But you know what time it is… XD


Thursday, 8 March, 2012

So, I haven’t been writing much. Shit has been busy around these parts with getting accounts registered and RL health stuff. The hope is that I’ll -finally- update the last fic in the FA month order this weekend then we can get going already!

But here’s a few bits of good news. I’ll be making the new Knife of Romance skin today, and thus will be working on the next chapter very shortly. I think you guys will really like the art for it. NOM.

I also just approved the sketch for new art for The Neighbor and you guys will definitely like that one. It’s from an upcoming scene and will most likely become a skin as well. And, of course, there are a few skins already posted that you guys haven’t seen yet with new art, so you’ll have some eye candy to go with your dose of fanfic. :)

For those who haven’t worked on getting an account, or haven’t completed registration, time is -a- wastin’. There won’t be a warning when I lock the gate. It’s just gonna happen, and if you’re not on the boat, we’re sailing without you.

Those who refuse to become a reviewer -and that IS your choice- you WILL be getting locked out, but as a parting gift, Sengoku Medical Center, Pretty Brown Eyes, and The Edge of Seventeen will remain unlocked. Why? They are considered part of the “classics” and the lurkers who wish to see the conclusions should be given that courtesy because they’ve probably been reading my stuff since 2006. But every other story will be membership only.

Happy Thursday!

The Deal on Reader Accounts

Sunday, 12 February, 2012

This is an update on the reader accounts.

1. Reader accounts can only be issued by me. There won’t be a “register” link available on the site. Names will be taken from reviews, mostly recent ones (as in the last year or so -with a few exceptions), because those are the people who are still regularly visiting the site.

2. Many reviewers have been registered over the weekend with more to come. However, some reviewers will not be registered due to their username, or lack thereof. For example, I get a lot of reviews from “Anon and Anonymous”. I can’t register that to my site; it could be anyone. I have some who only review using a one letter name like “S”, but the site will not allow names that are less than 3 letters. So, if you’ve been doing either one, I advise that you review with a real name or you won’t get in.

3. Reader accounts have a new Terms of Service (on the main toolbar). Familiarize yourselves because they’re important. :)

4. The member list will go public 1-2 week before the actual locking of the site. That will give people time to collect their passwords from me, or in the case of a reviewer who was forgotten, contact me for registration. I’m doing my best to get the names of all my regulars, but Absolution is almost 6 years old -she’s made a lot of friends! So don’t take offense if you weren’t included; it could just be a simple case of overlooking. However, if you’re a reviewer who has left comments or ratings I wasn’t fond of… heh.

5. Those who find their name on the list have to e-mail me with their e-mail address and username. Then, you’ll get a password you can use to log into the site.

6. Absolution will be locked to the general public, but not locked as a whole. That means, if you’re not a regular reviewer, or you’re new to the site, but are willing to become a regular reviewer, you can inquire about an account.

And yes, every story on my site will be locked (ratings don’t matter). So even if you access the site itself, it will be useless because without an account, you can’t access the fiction.

To those who could never be bothered with reviewing, what can I say? It’s not hard to leave a positive comment on a story you like (Otherwise, why come to my site at all?), but that choice is, and has always been, yours to make. No regrets or apologies from me; I want to write for people that give a shit about what I’m doing and show it.

To everyone else, thanks for the support. I have noticed an upswing in reviews lately, undoubtedly because of the impending reader accounts, but I still appreciate you guys taking a minute to make up for all the times you didn’t review. Either way, it means a lot and they’re appreciated.

I’m still lazing around today, but tomorrow I begin work on the last 2 chapters of Fan Month. Yay! \o/