Beyond Redemption – Everyday Crap

Category “Everyday Crap”

Just a Fool’s Lullabye…

Monday, 28 September, 2009

Isn’t this a great song (the one that’s playing)? My pesky kid brother/erotic hostage (haha), Dangersque, introduced me to it. Her name is Amanda Marshall, a Canadian singer, and she’s one of his faves. The story I’m writing for him, “The Last Exit to Eden” is named after one of her songs. Yes, yes, I suck because I’ve only updated that story twice in more than a calendar year, but it just beats me down. I don’t know why, either, but my mind really draws a blank when I try to write it. However, I’m forcing my way through it; I have to. Even if I shorten the original plot to make it just a few chapters long, he will get his story, dammit! Hell, at this point, I’m concentrating on the giftfics and the rest is really up for grabs.

I’ve had a migraine off and on for the past few days and my allergies/vertigo is kicking into high gear. But I got my hands on some zyrtec today and I’m feeling a bit better. I can probably use more sleep, too, but I’m not in full insomnia mode yet.

I’ve been on facebook a LOT lately, and all because of the games, lol. I’m hopelessly addicted to some, and that really cuts into my desire/time to write. But, meh. You know my philosophy: Who reads this shit anyway? It hardly matters if I update or not unless you’re the person on the receiving end of a gift. Speaking of, I’m going to get an installment of Silence in today along with a short chap for Danga (hey, he said he didn’t mind short). If I’m lucky, I’ll get more done, but I’m not holding my breath.

In celebratory news, the New York Yankees have not only won their division, but they won it before anyone else has clinched theirs. And the best part? They won it by SWEEPING Boston, which stopped the Blo Sux from getting the wild card inside our stadium. Plus, they will have the best record in baseball -not even the Angels will catch them.

::Fist pump::

It was a beautiful weekend and I hope we continue to hand Boston cushy pads so they can go on their knees to their fucking masters.

Yeah, I hate them that much. Them, and their rude, craptastic fans.

Now, here’s to hoping that they keep their shit together and do well in the playoffs.


In IG-World news, I just okayed the art for Eternal Destiny’s anniversary skin. It’s going to be really cute and I can’t wait for y’all to see it. This time I asked Maria-nee-chan to do it -she did the art on this blog- and she did a splendid job. I’m just waiting on the coloring and we’re all set.

As soon as I think of what I want, Absolution will get a new skin as well, and most likely, so will The Boiler Room. I already have the art for that. I was waiting for the header, but it looks like I’m going to end up making it myself, or asking my web designer to do it. Either way, it should be cute, all things considered.

If you haven’t voted at ED yet, do so. The polls close on 10/13 and we’ve got lots of great fictions to choose from. I actually need to get to work on the banners for it. Yep, I’m doing them this term since Neo is busy, so don’t expect greatness. xD Then, it will be time to vote on the Eternal Legends, so it should be fun all the way around.

Oh, and Challenge Destiny is closing for fall/winter recess and the last challenge is due tomorrow. If you’re a member, and want to get in on the last Ficlet of the Month poll, now is the time.

Also, the Feudal Association is looking for a new webmistress. If you have the time, inclination, web server, and the skills to put an extensive site together, drop me a line. 😀

Eh… that’s it for now. I have shit to do. Have a good week, and feel free to pop in at Abi to say hey. ^^


Slowing Digging Myself Out of the Hole.

Monday, 24 August, 2009

I’m finally inching out of the hole. I updated Love Like Winter, another fic that hadn’t been loved in a calendar year. Urg I liked it, too, which was a miracle for me these days. I liked writing it and I liked the lemon that pushed it from PG-13 to R. It’s not my usual raunch -wouldn’t work for the time period- but still fun to pen and that’s the true miracle since I hate writing lemons.

I’m starting the next chapter, and I just may end it with this one. If not, there will be 1 more after it. LLW is a short, simple story, but I have a tendency to get slightly long-winded in my quest to not have a chapter appear rushed. So, we’ll see. I also demolished my word count pact by going for about 9500. But I needed to because I need to finish this without adding a zillion chapters.

Do you guys even read this shit? Seriously. Do you read the fics and/or this update blog? I’ve been seeing big visitor counts, but you’re barely reviewing. Did you like the updates? Hate ’em? Felt meh about them? It would be nice to know. Lurkers on Absolution -people that visit and never say anything- bug me. I like to know who is in my house. By remaining ghosts, you feed my gnawing instinct to padlock my site and have people request a password in order to get in. That way, I know exactly who is in there.

It can be done, and I’m pretty tempted.

Anyway, ED awards start on Sept. 1st, along with a little extra thing I’ve decided to implement, so it will be busy in coming days. However, provided my inspiration is still there, I will continue to update, even if it’s small shots. I want to get some of these stories down and I’m serious about it this time. Hell, I may even do a fan appreciation month (Yeah, changing it to a month).

For those that are kinda new to me and don’t know about the “tradition”. I used to do a “Fan Appreciation Week” where I would update every single WIP I had in my library. It was a task, but it was my way of giving all of my lovelies a gift -an update of whatever their favorite fic was. At that time, my WIP stable was much smaller, so a week would never be enough now. To make matters worse, the last time I tried to do it I got hit with supreme block and couldn’t. Ungh. But I’m getting into my zone now, so who knows? I just may surprise ya. 0.~

Spammers have been hitting the sites. Pisses me off and makes me use captcha, which pisses me off more because it can be faulty. What do these assheads get out of that? So, I’ve taken to leaving it off when I update for the first day or two, in case anyone wants to comment, and then I put on the security in between. It’s annoying, the entire fucking process.

And one more thing, if you friend me on Twitter, seriously, note me and tell me who you are. I’m not adding you if I’m unfamiliar with you. 10 people, so far, are waiting for approval, but I’m not sure who they are. Don’t let that happen to you! 😛

Anyway, I’ve got some stuff to do. See ya on trail.

EDIT: I pulled a muscle in my back. The same fucking pull that put me in physical therapy most of last summer. WHAT. THE. FUCK.


A Not Great Week.

Friday, 21 August, 2009

This hasn’t been a good week, really. It’s too fucking hot, and it’s been that way all week. For some retarded reason, in extreme heat, my ankles swell. No idea why, but that’s what they do. So all week I’m dealing with these puffy, heavy ankles/feet and it sucks. It has definitely fucked with my mood, too. To make matters worse, my knee itches. No, I don’t know why. It just does! A lot! Arg.

I have some block on Loved. It’s not fun because I wanted this to get done fast and it’s just another thing that fucking sucks. I have, however, updated 3 times since that block has set in, so at least I’m not completely cornered. In His Eyes and True Colors hadn’t been updated in, like, a year. I don’t think anyone even really reads True Colors but a small few, hence the not great response to it, but that’s life, lol. I’m finishing that for me, just like all of my fictions, and those that like it, hey, thanks for coming along on the ride. Those that don’t, oh well.

I’m flirting with retirement now. For real. And not because of any wanksters and fandom shit (Y’all know better.), but because I’m losing my passion for writing. It’s not nearly as enjoyable as it used to be and my inspiration is waning in a big way. Plus, there are a zillion people out here doing fanfic. It won’t matter if I stay or go. My only goal, at this point, is to finish what I’ve started (and boy, have I been working on that!) and do the giftfics (both old, and future) that I said I wanted to do. Other than that, there will only be new stuff from me when I’m seriously inspired. Or bored. lulz.

I’m currently working on another fic that hasn’t seen an update in a while, and dare I say, I think I will get closure here. But, I won’t drop titles or say too much. I may jinx myself! 😛 Should be done in a day, or two.

I also need to shop. I wanted to get my niece, Ruri, a summer gift and I haven’t had time to do shit. So, a fall gift it will be. I got her Timz and Rocawear last time, this time, I dunno. Leaning toward Baby Phat. She’s a toddler, so just how cute do you think she looked in her little, white iridescent Timz? 😀 Kawaii! I shall buy this stuff on Monday -when they say this shitty weather will break.

I have to work this weekend. In the heat. I don’t look forward to it and I just hope I can fit my fucking shoes. I really, really hate the thought of wearing flip-flops. I hate those things and they look like shit on everyone, yet girls sport them like they’re Jimmys. Ungh. And men, forget it. I won’t even get into guys and sandals.

I finally watched this week’s True Blood on demand. It’s so much better than last season.

*Major Spoiler Alert*

Maryann is a crazy bitch, but no one is more fun than Lafayette. He stomped the shit out of Eggs. LOL. But, according to the books, he ends up getting killed. I also heard that Sookie does end up with Eric. Who doesn’t see that coming already, though??

I loved Godric. I hated that he had such a tiny role, but I will also say that Eric won my heart during that final scene when he was begging him not to kill himself. *sigh* He was awesome for the time he was there.

Bill and Sookie are engaged (for real) and I hear she’s knocked up. Bill is not cute at all. But, I don’t think she’s pretty, either, so eh. As long as they’re happy. I do, however, like Sam. I’m curious as to why Maryann wants him so badly. I wanna pinch his cheeks.

*End Spoilers*

Ordering pizza now. So, I’m off.
Updates are coming to an Absolution near you soon!


Writing, Writing, Writing…

Monday, 3 August, 2009

I don’t know if Selina sprinkled some fairy dust on me, or what, but my carpal flare up is in remission -woo hoo! My wrists are NOT 100%, but they feel good enough to write again, so I updated In His Eyes, which hasn’t been shown any love since 10/08. Yeah, it’s bad. >.< I'm making up for it with a second update that should post in about a day. Then, it's back to Loved, which is halfway written. I used to be one of the few that finished fics in a really timely fashion, but getting busy in other areas of the fandom, as well as a bit of waning interest thanks to some of the assholes that are also in this fandom, I’ve lost my eagerness for completion. Okay, a teeny bit of that could also be that saying goodbye to a story is hard to do…

However, I will do it. Besides, my interest is in oneshots, novellas, and drabbles these days. All of the fun and none of the commitment! 😛

Technically, I’m supposed to be “working” since I’m being paid to do “school hair” (I’m sure y’all know what I mean) for my cousin, but shit. She’s deep conditioning right now, so I have a few minutes. She’s got hair like you would not believe (sistahs, you feel me?) and between relaxing, washing, treatment, rinsing, detangling, then setting and styling, this shit is an ALL DAY AFFAIR.

Damn right I’m charging. Pfft. <.< Oh boy. The dryer stopped, that means my nightmare starts.

Later, babes!


Fuckin’ OUCH.

Thursday, 30 July, 2009

I figured it was time to update this thing. I haven’t really written in a couple of days, outside of a few lines here and there, for two reasons:

1) My carpal tunnel is acting up. Plenty.
2) I’m a bit blocky.

So, I’m not doing much at the moment story-wise. However, I have been improving things at my archives. Eternal Destiny’s gallery can now be viewed by non-members thanks to the addition of some decent captcha. I’ve tested it, and it works, so people are free to browse and leave comments without having to register and be approved. That was a big issue for us because bots were raping the fucking place daily. At my personal gallery, I turned ratings and comments off ages ago, so I was safe. Now, I can say the same for ED and TBR.

I also renamed some of the links on the main toolbar, updated my ban list, and added fields for twitter and facebook on profile pages. ED also has a twitter account now, which will be used for mini-announcements, alerts about contests, and so on. So, feel free to follow or visit if you want to keep up with what’s new.

4 weeks from now the Destined Awards start, and there will be a little surprise for the members when it kicks off. I’m not saying what it is yet, but I got great news about it last night so I’m giddy. Squee. Now, to execute. *waggles brows*

In IG news, like I’ve said, my carpal tunnel is bitching and I’m not getting as much done as I should. I’ll be attempting to make a dent today, though, because I want to update something. I’m also going to be working on a series of drabbles of all genres and ratings -whatever suits my fancy at the time. I always said I wanted to get more disciplined with word counts and drabbles do that for me. Plus, it helps manage block without creating new WIPS. I will be working on one today, or possibly tomorrow. Another installment to my “Traditions” arc. I started craeting series’ on Absolution under “Anthologies” and I’ll probably be adding that one to it later today.

Speaking of, yes, new fiction is in the works. But again, these won’t be full-on serials. I’m done with that after Fallen. I have what will probably be a 2-shot coming for my Kid Sissy who I promised to write for ages ago and I’m also doing something for a very good friend of mine. That will be a multi-chap, but not a full serial. 10 or less, most likely. No more hints. I won’t start posting that one for a while -until it’s at least half written (5 chapters). But I have a timeline for that anyway, so yeah. 😀

I also mapped out the next chapter of Knife of Romance. I know exactly what will go into this chapter (for a change) and just need to write it. But not until I pen Loved, and In His Eyes is about to get a shot in the arm, too, for Midoriko-sama who has so graciously given me virtual pizza, chocolate, and other snacks to inspire me. 😛

Then, there’s InuRinoa, who is the awesome. She did a little request art for me for my story, Loved. I’ll be posting it with the next chapter, and from what I understand, she’s doing another. So huzzah! She’s a talented chica, yesh she is!

Okay, I’m out of news for now. Chat at ya!


A Lazy Saturday in NY.

Saturday, 18 July, 2009

I haven’t updated my WP in a bit, so I figured I’d post a little something.

Things on this end are okay. I’ve been doing a lot of working, but I’m off this weekend so I’m going to relax a bit and tackle another chapter. Loved is coming along well. I’m nearly finished with it, and while it took longer than I would have liked, I’m not bitching. It will be nice to complete a chapter fic, even if it is a short one. I have so many to work on -it’s overwhelming! @.@

I didn’t sleep or rest much this week, so I’m feeling it now. I’m tired and have so many e-mails and posts to respond to; it’s not even funny. Not having a lot of time let’s shit pile up and then I pay for it later. Again, no complaints. It just means that I have a lot of friends and that’s a good thing. 😀

I’m better on MJ’s death. I guess I made my peace with it -even if I do get sad when I see one of his videos. Smooth Criminal, Remember the Time, and the dance sequence in You Rock My World are my favorites, so when I watch them and see him happy and smiling, it’s just a reminder that he’s gone and we’ll never see him dance again. Sigh. But, he’s in a greater place than this cesspool of a world, and I’m glad for that. <33 Again, not tons to say. I'm really tired, but not sleepy. I guess we can call it fatigue -and the hot weather doesn't help. I hate that draggy, shitty feeling I always get in summer. Ungh. Hope y'all are having a good weekend. Enjoy a little Sakuban. :)


Farewell, Michael.

Tuesday, 7 July, 2009

Not much to say. It was a lovely memorial that showed us who he really was, and not what haters and tabloids claimed he was. His true friends and supporters stepped up in word and song and made us smile and remember not just the musical genius, but the kind man with the family that loved him. His daughter, that little girl made me cry so much. Paris was truly her daddy’s darling and if there was ever any doubt from ANYONE that he wasn’t a phenomenal dad, all you have to do is watch his babies.

In death, just like in life, he was our beloved King and that’s how we, his true fans, are going to remember him.


“Your daddy wasn’t strange — what he had to deal with was strange.”
-Al Sharpton

Better Today… and ED has a New Community!

Saturday, 27 June, 2009

First, to all my friends that have checked up on me and showed some love on the blog, thanks. <333 I'm doing better today, a great deal better. Last night I went to bed at 10:45pm and woke up today at 5:15am. I'm off this weekend, so I'm going to devote it to writing and resting. My insomnia, hopefully, is starting to fade, but I'm not out of the woods yet. This has been the worst bout of it in a long, long time, and when you add just how upset I was over MJ's passing... Well, I'm just glad that I finally got some rest, because the day he passed, I had been awake for 24 hours, and after I found out, I was awake nearly another day. Very stressed, lots of tears, and lots of hard memories of my mom and grandma. Sigh. But like I said, I'm better today. I'm spending the weekend listening to his music (not that I didn't do that all the time anyway) and working on some fiction and trying to celebrate the legacy, rather than focusing on the fact that he's gone.

As for the fiction, the 3rd chapter of Loved will most likely post sometime today. It would have been sooner if my insomnia and grief hadn’t hit so hard. Right now, that’s the only story I’m writing because it’s very short and I want to conclude it quickly. Then, I’ll be working on editing the next chapter of Danga’s fic, The Last Exit to Eden. He’s been waiting for ages and I feel so shitty about that. >.< For reasons unknown, that story just gives me a really hard time. I'm not even happy with the next chapter, but it's so long overdue that I simply have to post it. Ever After is about to finally get its ending, too. (So sorry, Chibi!) I’m halfway into that chapter, and it’s on my ‘to do’ list as far as getting completed this summer -along with a few others that are 1 or 2 chaps away. At this point, it will be a shock if anyone remembers those fics, but for my own collection and piece of mind, they must be completed.

And while I’m here, thank you, lovelies, for coming to Absolution and showing Fallen and Loved so much, well, love! lol. I always worry if something I make will be accepted by my peeps, and it was nice to know that you’ve been entertained. I don’t write as much as I once did, but I do try to give ya’ll something new and fun as often as I can get my head to cooperate. So, again, thanks for encouraging me and letting me know the effort isn’t in vain. <33 Then, there's Eternal Destiny. Well, if you haven't been to the site since Friday morning, you missed the announcement. As a summer activity/project, ED has opened its own ficlet community: Challenge Destiny. The basic ED rules apply there (IK ONLY) and there will be weekly challenges. (Check out the profile for details.) There is also a little goodie I came up with called “Ficlet of the Month“.

Every month a special poll will be held and the winner will be crowned our FOTM. They’ll get a banner, a spot on ED’s homepage for a month, and a tangible gift that will either be mailed, or redeemed online. For now, we’re open as a summer thing, but if interest remains, it will be around longer. I was probably the last holdout as far as making a drabble comm, and that was simply because I didn’t have the time to devote, nor am I on LJ very much. But my lovely moderators have all agreed to to pretty much run the place in my stead, thus allowing me the freedom I need to offer it. So, big round of applause to them for that.

The comm is 17+ (because I don’t plan on excluding adult entries), and profiles will be checked for age. It’s also open to all IK fans, not just members of Eternal Destiny. So long as they respect my staff and follow the comm rules on content and behavior, come one, come all. But if you’re a wanky fuck, steer clear because I’ll ban you without discussion. I’m not dealing with any more shit from assholes in my domains. Period. We’re there to have fun and win goodies; if that concept escapes your tiny brain, keep it moving.

Okay, I think I’ve properly updated y’all, so that means I need to get to work on Loved. But before I go, I mentioned to Lina that Sayuriko (My Lily!) made the cutest pic of InuYasha as Indiana Jones and that I would post it with my next update. Here it is! 😀


Kawaii, ne? She’s too awesome. 😀
Happy Saturday and I’ll see ya on Absolution when I update. <33 P.S. “Give in to Me” is probably my favorite MJ song. Awesome doesn’t even begin to describe him…

The Pros and Cons of Breathing.

Friday, 29 May, 2009

I haven’t updated this thing in a while, huh? Well, it’s been a little busy around here as of late. As y’all know, I do have a job and a life outside of fandom and that’s had all of my concentration. I haven’t been doing much outside of working and sleeping lately, and I mean, I’ve been hitting the sheets by 9pm. It’s just hectic these days. However, I have the weekend off and I plan to devote that to my fandom duties.

The Eternal Destiny contest ends tonight and I’ll be reading the entries on Saturday (along with my appointed fellow judges). So the winners will be chosen by Sunday. Then, I’ll be working with Neo on the banners and readying the prizes for shipping. Well, except first place. That will be coming from the awesome, Notoes. 😀 The next ED contest won’t be for a while -probably six months or so.

The new skin for ED is complete, as is the new skin for the ED LiveJournal and the Imagery Eternal gallery. (Yeah, on top of work, I’ve been busy on that stuff, too.) I think you guys will like the fanart and header and I’m giddy to show it to y’all. But, that won’t be until Monday. Yup, ED was the first and is still bringing the fresh shit. 0.~

Speaking of Monday, don’t forget that the Feudal Association nominations begin on Monday as well, so get in there and nominate your favorite stories and fanart. We accept submissions from any publicly accessible website. We’ve also introduced a new category:

Best Ficlet – Drabble or poetry of any genre or pairing with a word count of 800 or less.

That means all of those teeny, tiny fics and poems that have caught your fancy now have a proper home. So come share them with us. ^^

I haven’t done much writing lately. I’ve wanted to, but I’m seriously blocked and I have a lot on my plate at the moment, so the time isn’t really there. But I do want to say that I’m still alive and I’m not retired, lol. New chapters will come as soon as my head gets back into it. Trust me on that. I won’t be shutting down until I complete the fics that I still really love.

So, I’m probably last on the bandwagon, but I finally created an account on Last fm. OMG, I fucking love that place. I made the account on Tuesday, or something, but only last night did I create the profile and add my library. For those that are unfamiliar, Last fm is a music site where you can listen to/discover new artists in addition to listening to the ones you love. You add your favorite bands to your library and they make recommendations for you (of other groups).

You can also create a “radio station” by entering a band’s name. The system will then collect other bands that have a similar sound/genre and play non-stop tunes for you while displaying information on the current band and the station itself displays photos of the band. So far, I found 5 new groups/songs that I’ve liked enough to download, which is pretty awesome. Some bands also offer free downloads, too. I don’t plan on getting social with anyone there (They have shoutboxes, forums, etc.), but if any of y’all sign up, feel free to friend me. Since I actually know y’all, I’ll respond. 😛

I have a dentist appointment today (so, so fun to go to the dentist in the rain), and then I need to shop for food (more fun). But then I’ll be home attempting to write and I’ll probably start in on the contest entries. I hope everyone’s been well. I’ve hardly had a moment to e-mail anyone or visit with my HOA family, but I’ll be doing that over this free weekend.

So, lil6ter and my J!!! told me that there’s a new movie out (well, this was before it actually hit theaters) called GFE. Yeah, The Girlfriend Experience. I snagged the film the day before it was released and couldn’t get out of the first 30 minutes. My God, it’s so boring. >.< J!!! thought it was a lot like my GFE (in the synopsis anyway), but I can assure you that it’s not. At least not from what I’ve seen thus far. I’m going to try it again over the weekend, but I’m not looking forward to it, lol.

I also downloaded The Venture Bros. seasons, and OMG, it’s hilarious. If you haven’t been watching that on Adult Swim, you must. It’s fucking fantastic, and I adore Dr. Girlfriend. The joke with her begins when she opens her mouth. 😛

Allrighty, now that I’ve done a bit of updating with y’all, I shall take my leave. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and gets in on the great weather we’re supposed to have. Me? I’m going to stay home and be lazy. I’ve got all summer to roast outside!

Ciao, bellas!


…And the Obsession Continues.

Wednesday, 13 May, 2009

What a week! I haven’t updated here in a few days, so I figured it was time. It’s been a little busy with work, post office bullshit, and Trek, but I’ll do a brief “catch up” session. 😀

First, yes, my obsession with the new Star Trek movie continues. I downloaded a bootleg of it the other day, then a better one last night, and in total, including the 2 times I saw it on opening weekend, I’ve seen it 6 times. I shit you not. 6 times and the movie isn’t even a week old! The funny thing is that being a trek fan already, I was very skeptical about this film and didn’t have plans to see it. Then, I saw a few trailers with Spock and lost my fucking mind! 😛

It’s safe to say I’m completely and utterly taken with Young Spock. (I can’t say that enough.) I love the Spock/Uhura pairing, and when time permits, I’m going to dive headfirst into reading all of the S/U ficcage I can get my hands on. I’ve read some already, but yeah, new frontiers. I’m even going to write one, though you guys are never going to read it. *chuckles*

Overall, it’s just nice to have something other than InuYasha since this fandom really isn’t what it used to be for me. With each new childishly stupid incident, I get a little more put off, so S/U is a nice departure. Plus, they’ve renewed my interest in fanfic, because for a while, I wasn’t much for reading it anymore. But that’s for reasons I won’t get into here. The point is, I’m having more fun than I’ve had in a while, so huzzah!

How about a pretty screenshot? I took it while watching the movie. <333 picture-3

I hate the post office. Like, seriously. They always fuck up everything and I’m completely annoyed with them. They can never get anything anywhere in one piece and getting recourse simply doesn’t happen. For example: I sent Onna a mac computer and guess what they did? Literally broke its neck. I was furious. Now, Onna sends me some a gift, some specialty dolls for my birthday based on The Edge of Seventeen. A set, too, and guess what? They have lost the fucking package. They attempted delivery, no one was home, so I guess that was their cue to lose it. I spent TWO HOURS in that fucking place yesterday just to hear that they can’t find it. So they give me a number to call today -well, it’s been busy all day. I’ve reported them and I’m going there in person tomorrow, and if they don’t find that fucking package, they had better get a fucking cop.

I’m home today trying to relax and get some writing done (if I can tear myself away from this damned movie!), but I’m not going to push it. If the words come, great. If they don’t, back to the movie, lol. Oh, and speaking of writing and such. My friend, Jenn, is selling some of her anime stuff. I told her I was going to list it with my next update in case the lovelies are interested, but I’ll also list them here along with her e-mail address.

Inuyasha Manga- 1-25 Brand New. Never been read condition.
Inyasha Ani-Manga- 1-15 Brand New. Never been read condition.
Inuyasha Full Seasons 1-4 and half of 5. (DVDs 1-37) Only watched once.
Inuyasha Ani-Manga for Movie 1. Brand New. Never been read condition.

Full Metal Panic:
FUll Metal Panic-The Second Raid (TSR) DVD.1 Never been watched. Brand New.

Black Cat:
Black Cat Manga 1-15. Only read once. Great Condition. Like New.

Her e-mail is:
The prices are reasonable, so give her a holler. 😀

Okay, I’m going to git. Lovelies, if anyone wants a copy of the Trek movie (Keep in mind that this is a bootleg. It’s in widescreen format, but it’s far from perfect. If anything, it’s something to wet your whistle until you can see it on the big screen or on DVD) or the soundtrack, give me shout and your Grrrl will hook you up. Otherwise, live long and fucking prosper!
