Isn’t this a great song (the one that’s playing)? My pesky kid brother/erotic hostage (haha), Dangersque, introduced me to it. Her name is Amanda Marshall, a Canadian singer, and she’s one of his faves. The story I’m writing for him, “The Last Exit to Eden” is named after one of her songs. Yes, yes, I suck because I’ve only updated that story twice in more than a calendar year, but it just beats me down. I don’t know why, either, but my mind really draws a blank when I try to write it. However, I’m forcing my way through it; I have to. Even if I shorten the original plot to make it just a few chapters long, he will get his story, dammit! Hell, at this point, I’m concentrating on the giftfics and the rest is really up for grabs.
I’ve had a migraine off and on for the past few days and my allergies/vertigo is kicking into high gear. But I got my hands on some zyrtec today and I’m feeling a bit better. I can probably use more sleep, too, but I’m not in full insomnia mode yet.
I’ve been on facebook a LOT lately, and all because of the games, lol. I’m hopelessly addicted to some, and that really cuts into my desire/time to write. But, meh. You know my philosophy: Who reads this shit anyway? It hardly matters if I update or not unless you’re the person on the receiving end of a gift. Speaking of, I’m going to get an installment of Silence in today along with a short chap for Danga (hey, he said he didn’t mind short). If I’m lucky, I’ll get more done, but I’m not holding my breath.
In celebratory news, the New York Yankees have not only won their division, but they won it before anyone else has clinched theirs. And the best part? They won it by SWEEPING Boston, which stopped the Blo Sux from getting the wild card inside our stadium. Plus, they will have the best record in baseball -not even the Angels will catch them.
::Fist pump::
It was a beautiful weekend and I hope we continue to hand Boston cushy pads so they can go on their knees to their fucking masters.
Yeah, I hate them that much. Them, and their rude, craptastic fans.
Now, here’s to hoping that they keep their shit together and do well in the playoffs.
In IG-World news, I just okayed the art for Eternal Destiny’s anniversary skin. It’s going to be really cute and I can’t wait for y’all to see it. This time I asked Maria-nee-chan to do it -she did the art on this blog- and she did a splendid job. I’m just waiting on the coloring and we’re all set.
As soon as I think of what I want, Absolution will get a new skin as well, and most likely, so will The Boiler Room. I already have the art for that. I was waiting for the header, but it looks like I’m going to end up making it myself, or asking my web designer to do it. Either way, it should be cute, all things considered.
If you haven’t voted at ED yet, do so. The polls close on 10/13 and we’ve got lots of great fictions to choose from. I actually need to get to work on the banners for it. Yep, I’m doing them this term since Neo is busy, so don’t expect greatness. xD Then, it will be time to vote on the Eternal Legends, so it should be fun all the way around.
Oh, and Challenge Destiny is closing for fall/winter recess and the last challenge is due tomorrow. If you’re a member, and want to get in on the last Ficlet of the Month poll, now is the time.
Also, the Feudal Association is looking for a new webmistress. If you have the time, inclination, web server, and the skills to put an extensive site together, drop me a line. 😀
Eh… that’s it for now. I have shit to do. Have a good week, and feel free to pop in at Abi to say hey. ^^