So, I saw a midnight screening on Wed. night (a day early) and it was awesomeness. Spock looks great, as always, and Kirk was cool (No one will ever beat William Shatner. Sorry), but the one who stole the spotlight was this guy.
My friend, Jenny, adores this guy -Benedict Cumberbatch- from a show called Sherlock, but I was kinda like, meh. Wow, I stand corrected. He’s playing an iconic villain and he’s fucking gorgeous. He got all the cool poses and close ups, lol. Fuck, he had so much screen presence that when he showed up, you could almost forget Spock and Kirk were in the scene, too. He was a boss. Seriously.
We also got to see the Klingons for the first time. >.> I’ll just say this: Their look was -to me- a step backward. They look nothing like how they do on the real show. I guess this is JJ’s version, but like his Cloverfield monster, it wasn’t great. They also took a classic scene from a certain movie that Trekkies will instantly recognize, however, they played the scene in reverse and it was pretty damn good (No spoilers).
I saw this in 3D and it was worth it for the experience. Gatsby was nice in 3D, but that format is made for a film like Star Trek; they definitely utilized it better. At some points, shit is flying at you and you’re like, WTF?! o_O The sets and stuff were cool, as always, and this movie is decidedly darker than the previous one. The romance between Uhura and Spock was definitely toned down, but that didn’t take anything away from the movie (and there is a little kiss, so if you like that pairing, there ya go. lol.). IMO, we didn’t get to see enough Chekov (at all) or Sulu, but we saw some fun with Scotty who is played adorably by “Shaun of the Dead”.
The plot was actually good -and also, somewhat, taken from a TV episode, so it gets some cool points. “Robo Cop” is in it, too. But I won’t tell ya anything more than that. All in all, I enjoyed this movie, and if you like Trek, you will, too.