Beyond Redemption – Eternal Destiny

Category “Eternal Destiny”


Monday, 26 October, 2009

“The game is ours. We’ll never foul out.
Y’all just better hope we gracefully bow out.”

I had faith in my team from the jumpoff and that faith has paid off. We finally beat the shit out of the Angels (it was a LONG time in coming) and we’re going to the WS to face the Phillies. Is it an uphill climb? Sort of. They don’t suck as a team, but neither do we, so that means that we need to work hard if we want to win. However, win OR lose, I love my Yankees and I’m proud of them, particularly Alex Rodriguez. Everyone knows what a huge fan I am of his, and to see him finally shut these assholes up with that big fucking bat was a treat (just ask the Angels who walked him SEVEN times). I just hope he continues to play well so he can thoroughly enjoy his first WS appearance.

As for the haters, I’ve heard enough crap during the season that rubbing their faces in it, bad form or not, just feels too fucking good to refrain. So SUCK IT DRY, clowns, because even if we lose, y’all teams still got jacked.

40th pennant, baby.
What do y’all even know about that???

Nothing. At all. Respect the legends.


Okay, enough prancing. I just had to vent and get it out of my system. 😛

I’ve been on the hunt for a new browser. I have 3 that I use, 2 of which I use regularly, but I don’t know… They just don’t seem to be fast enough. I like my shit rapid fire and firefox, who used to be that way, isn’t now, and others I’ve tried are lacking. I end up having 2 browsers open at a time (like now) for different purposes and it sucks. I downloaded camino and flock, but both were slow as shit with camino crashing twice right after I loaded it. >.> Flock was just… not for me. Right now, I’m using Opera and Firefox for different things, but lawd. Can’t ONE browser just get it right? Ungh.

I’m going to do some writing today (provided my arms let me), just to see if my inspiration is here. I’ve officially laid off facebook games in a big way. In fact, I’ve barely touched them all weekend, which is like O.O because I’ve been addicted since the start. So, that’s a good thing.

Tomorrow night I go see Michael’s movie at the IMAX theater. I totally can’t wait. It’s almost like our last chance to say goodbye. I’m bringing kleenex. >.< But it will be so nice to see him dance one more time. <3 I owe a few people some e-mails (I'm looking at you, My Lily!), so I'll be working on that over the next couple of days before I have to hunker down and work on the Eternal Legends. Also, the new InuYasha ep. is playing at Eternal Destiny along with a nice mix of songs from our "InuYasha Playlist". I usually don't post music at ED, but I thought some people might like to listen while they read or whatever. (They have the option of shutting it off). And thanks to everyone that showed my last post some love. My arms have been angry, so I'm not typing much, but I read all the responses and appreciate the luv. <33 loved_v2_by_inu_rinoa-mark

“Hat cocked, can’t see his eyes, who could it be?
With that new blue Yankee on, who but me?”

-Jay Z

I really should write something…

Friday, 16 October, 2009

I haven’t updated anything in a while, and other than lack of inspiration, I haven’t had a good reason. I’ve been playing a lot of facebook apps and other stuff, but no real writing -outside of Danga’s update. That fic has been kicking my ass, but I’m slowly working out the kinks of this chapter and should definitely have it posted this weekend. I’m also gearing up to write the last chapter of another older story that some people seemed to have enjoyed. It will be nice to complete something for a change. Then, it will be back to the grind, I suppose.

I haven’t been sleeping like I should, so I’m pretty tired. That’s another reason why I’m not getting much done, but I’ll remedy that soon enough. In fact, I’m taking a nap when I hit send, lol.

I also want to give thanks to my friends and lovelies that have left me such great reviews and notes recently. I appreciate them muchly; they remind me that I do have people that enjoy the stories and are waiting for updates. I hope to deliver. I really do.

And a big congrats goes out to the winners of the Destined Awards over at ED. We had really great stories nominated this term and it was nice to see them be recognized. Yay. If you’re a winner, and didn’t get your banner yet, go here. Eternal Legend polls go up on November 1st and the latest ED contest will follow right after, so make sure you vote and enter!

And today the Yankees play. Woot! I’m hoping they make it past the Angels to the World Series, but even if they don’t, I can’t tell you the absolute pleasure I feel that the Red Sux were swept right out of the playoffs. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch. 😀

Okay, bed is calling. You’ll see something from me soon. Promise.


Just a Fool’s Lullabye…

Monday, 28 September, 2009

Isn’t this a great song (the one that’s playing)? My pesky kid brother/erotic hostage (haha), Dangersque, introduced me to it. Her name is Amanda Marshall, a Canadian singer, and she’s one of his faves. The story I’m writing for him, “The Last Exit to Eden” is named after one of her songs. Yes, yes, I suck because I’ve only updated that story twice in more than a calendar year, but it just beats me down. I don’t know why, either, but my mind really draws a blank when I try to write it. However, I’m forcing my way through it; I have to. Even if I shorten the original plot to make it just a few chapters long, he will get his story, dammit! Hell, at this point, I’m concentrating on the giftfics and the rest is really up for grabs.

I’ve had a migraine off and on for the past few days and my allergies/vertigo is kicking into high gear. But I got my hands on some zyrtec today and I’m feeling a bit better. I can probably use more sleep, too, but I’m not in full insomnia mode yet.

I’ve been on facebook a LOT lately, and all because of the games, lol. I’m hopelessly addicted to some, and that really cuts into my desire/time to write. But, meh. You know my philosophy: Who reads this shit anyway? It hardly matters if I update or not unless you’re the person on the receiving end of a gift. Speaking of, I’m going to get an installment of Silence in today along with a short chap for Danga (hey, he said he didn’t mind short). If I’m lucky, I’ll get more done, but I’m not holding my breath.

In celebratory news, the New York Yankees have not only won their division, but they won it before anyone else has clinched theirs. And the best part? They won it by SWEEPING Boston, which stopped the Blo Sux from getting the wild card inside our stadium. Plus, they will have the best record in baseball -not even the Angels will catch them.

::Fist pump::

It was a beautiful weekend and I hope we continue to hand Boston cushy pads so they can go on their knees to their fucking masters.

Yeah, I hate them that much. Them, and their rude, craptastic fans.

Now, here’s to hoping that they keep their shit together and do well in the playoffs.


In IG-World news, I just okayed the art for Eternal Destiny’s anniversary skin. It’s going to be really cute and I can’t wait for y’all to see it. This time I asked Maria-nee-chan to do it -she did the art on this blog- and she did a splendid job. I’m just waiting on the coloring and we’re all set.

As soon as I think of what I want, Absolution will get a new skin as well, and most likely, so will The Boiler Room. I already have the art for that. I was waiting for the header, but it looks like I’m going to end up making it myself, or asking my web designer to do it. Either way, it should be cute, all things considered.

If you haven’t voted at ED yet, do so. The polls close on 10/13 and we’ve got lots of great fictions to choose from. I actually need to get to work on the banners for it. Yep, I’m doing them this term since Neo is busy, so don’t expect greatness. xD Then, it will be time to vote on the Eternal Legends, so it should be fun all the way around.

Oh, and Challenge Destiny is closing for fall/winter recess and the last challenge is due tomorrow. If you’re a member, and want to get in on the last Ficlet of the Month poll, now is the time.

Also, the Feudal Association is looking for a new webmistress. If you have the time, inclination, web server, and the skills to put an extensive site together, drop me a line. 😀

Eh… that’s it for now. I have shit to do. Have a good week, and feel free to pop in at Abi to say hey. ^^


The Biyatch is Back!

Wednesday, 9 September, 2009

Okay, so the past few weeks have been rough, and I’m not quite back to myself yet, but I’m on my way there. My mother wouldn’t want this for me, therefore, I always try to bounce back as soon as I can. Again, not 100%, but much better than I was even yesterday. Many, many thanks to all of my friends, my true-fucking-blues who were there. They didn’t bombard me with false sympathy, or with a million words of little meaning that would make me feel worse. They were simply there, and when I wanted to talk, I did, and when I didn’t, they let the silence be a comfortable one. Most of all, they kept me laughing, and Li-Li, Lily, Liz, Nikkie Bear, and Kau, words cannot express your fantabulousness.

Hey, I think I just made one! xD

Like I said on FB, I have the best friends on the planet.


So, back to fucking business, shall we? 0.~

I’ve been feeling low about writing and a gang of other stuff. Some of it has to do with my mom’s anniversary, some has to do with fandom and all the crap that comes with it. I do a lot of work between running ED, helping out at the FA, The Boiler Room, Absolution, Challenge Destiny, and all the other small things I tack on that keep my 16 (Yes, 16) websites intact. That doesn’t count my real life responsibilities, either. I get burned out easily, especially with my off and on insomnia -and it’s now ON. But also, I wonder if my readers are enjoying the wares. If you review, I know. If you don’t, I have no idea, and I usually think in the negative.

I’ve said it a trillion times, but other than a few giftfics I’m going to do, I only keep updating for the lovelies that want to read it. So, if I don’t think you’re enjoying certain stories, they’re not going to get updated anymore.

Mhmm, I’m serious.

Why? I have carpal tunnel, and like I already mentioned, a lot of other things to do. If I think I’m wasting my time in my efforts to entertain those that I write for, I’m not going to. lol. It’s really that simple. :) After all, I know how all my fics are supposed to end, so it won’t matter to me if I don’t actually post those endings. Why would I be concerned about it if I don’t think my readers are? That’s silly. Unlike a lot of other people, writing is my hobby, not my ambition. And don’t take this as bitchy or blackmail, because it’s actually not that at all. It takes me hours on hours to write a single chapter now because of CT. If my readers can’t take 5 minutes of their time to leave a review, why should I break my wrists for a chapter they’ll probably hate? Nah. 😀

That said, there WILL be updates in the near future. Killing fics isn’t set in stone. If I think you still like, and want to read, the stories and updates, I’ll keep writing. If you don’t, then I won’t. That’s pretty much the deal. So, we’ll see how the next few weeks play out, yah?

If you’re a member of Eternal Destiny, make sure you nominate for the Destined Awards. Acknowledging the people that fill your boring days with fun is the least y’all can do for the hours of unpaid, and often, thankless work. Get in there and do the right thing! And don’t forget to go check out the Eternal Legends Nominees. Polling for that will begin on Nov. 1st, leaving you plenty of time to re-familiarize yourself with our past first place winners.

Same goes with the Feudal Association. Nominations there are going for another week, and that’s fandom-wide, so nominate some stuff you like. I’m particularly talking to all of these authors that enjoy winning things, but won’t take a few minutes to support their fellow writers. Don’t be so selfish; share the love.

Okay, I’m done for now. Since hibernation is nearly at an end for me, I’ll be around more. I’ll be doing some drabbles and stuff soon, too, so watch for mail if you’re own my mailing list, or breeze by Absolution when you get some time.


Where I am.

Sunday, 6 September, 2009

What’s going on with me?

I haven’t updated in several days, and I’m not holding out much hope for anything soon. My inspiration is fickle, and to be honest, the lukewarm response I got to my last few chaps have put me in a mindset that I don’t need to rush anything out. You either didn’t read it (Not), or didn’t like it (Probably), so what is the point of pushing myself? I’ll get to it when/if I feel like it. I doubt it will matter in the least.

Mhmm. Someone did piss in my cheerios. I always get like this at this time of the year. Tomorrow is the anniversary of my mother’s death and for about 2 weeks before and a week or so after, I’m a really different person. Not as nice, not as calm, and not as gracious. It’s my time of grief and reflection and it just puts me in a different space. I’m not really asking anyone to understand it, or even care. I am, however, saying that you’ll have to deal with it until it passes or just avoid me. *shrugs* Whatever works for you.

To combat my nastiness, I’ve sunk myself into facebook apps (games) and it’s awesome. I’m hooked on Castle Age and Vampire Wars and a few others that have helped me pass the time and not think about what’s coming. Yeah, finally gave in and got myself a Facebook. I always said I never would, but when I switched ED’s page, I kept the established account for myself. I chit chat with those I know, but mostly, I play games. It’s fun and it works. So, there ya go.

Speaking of ED, the awards there is going on and this is the schedule. When they end, the voting for the Eternal Legends will start. Visit the site -it’s pretty awesome. The premise? The ED Hall of Fame. Beginning retroactively, every eligible story that has ever placed first in their category will compete against each other for their own page on the site. Necessary? No. A gesture of kindness and acknowledgment? Yes. Like the Destined Awards, the only catch is that you need to be a member of the site.

I’m thinking about redecorating Absolution again, but I have no idea of what I want in the way of fanart except a Human InuYasha. It’s kinda like I pretty much have all of the neat pics I could ever want, but you know how I roll. There can never be enough Human InuYasha. I’d like another installment of “The Wicked Garden” skin, which would be a replica of the art Nikkie commissioned for my birthday. It’s from the fiction she gifted me and it was drawn by the sensational RighteousRed. I’ve gotten many commissions from her and she never disappoints. The wicked, Neo, created the background for it, and when the two images met, it was instant delicious -as you’ve seen. All very kind and gifted people.

InuRomp (my other IY comm on LJ) has started up and Salome suggested we try a new format where we have people pick a pairing and one of two sets of prompts. Then, they write 15 stories at 300 words each. This will go on until the end of Dec. (while I’m busy) and I’ve committed to InuYasha/Kagura. Did I mention it’s an alternative pairing comm? No traditional canon couples. Yeah, I’m stunned that I did it, too. But hey, it’s different and some of the stuff people come up with is great. Join if you want -just make sure you have your birthday in your profile. Now, here’s to hoping I can keep my word and write these ficlets. Argh.

Okay, I’m gone. Just wanted to pop in since I know I’ll be a little scarce. I can still be reached by e-mail and all, but otherwise, see ya later.


Fuckin’ OUCH.

Thursday, 30 July, 2009

I figured it was time to update this thing. I haven’t really written in a couple of days, outside of a few lines here and there, for two reasons:

1) My carpal tunnel is acting up. Plenty.
2) I’m a bit blocky.

So, I’m not doing much at the moment story-wise. However, I have been improving things at my archives. Eternal Destiny’s gallery can now be viewed by non-members thanks to the addition of some decent captcha. I’ve tested it, and it works, so people are free to browse and leave comments without having to register and be approved. That was a big issue for us because bots were raping the fucking place daily. At my personal gallery, I turned ratings and comments off ages ago, so I was safe. Now, I can say the same for ED and TBR.

I also renamed some of the links on the main toolbar, updated my ban list, and added fields for twitter and facebook on profile pages. ED also has a twitter account now, which will be used for mini-announcements, alerts about contests, and so on. So, feel free to follow or visit if you want to keep up with what’s new.

4 weeks from now the Destined Awards start, and there will be a little surprise for the members when it kicks off. I’m not saying what it is yet, but I got great news about it last night so I’m giddy. Squee. Now, to execute. *waggles brows*

In IG news, like I’ve said, my carpal tunnel is bitching and I’m not getting as much done as I should. I’ll be attempting to make a dent today, though, because I want to update something. I’m also going to be working on a series of drabbles of all genres and ratings -whatever suits my fancy at the time. I always said I wanted to get more disciplined with word counts and drabbles do that for me. Plus, it helps manage block without creating new WIPS. I will be working on one today, or possibly tomorrow. Another installment to my “Traditions” arc. I started craeting series’ on Absolution under “Anthologies” and I’ll probably be adding that one to it later today.

Speaking of, yes, new fiction is in the works. But again, these won’t be full-on serials. I’m done with that after Fallen. I have what will probably be a 2-shot coming for my Kid Sissy who I promised to write for ages ago and I’m also doing something for a very good friend of mine. That will be a multi-chap, but not a full serial. 10 or less, most likely. No more hints. I won’t start posting that one for a while -until it’s at least half written (5 chapters). But I have a timeline for that anyway, so yeah. 😀

I also mapped out the next chapter of Knife of Romance. I know exactly what will go into this chapter (for a change) and just need to write it. But not until I pen Loved, and In His Eyes is about to get a shot in the arm, too, for Midoriko-sama who has so graciously given me virtual pizza, chocolate, and other snacks to inspire me. 😛

Then, there’s InuRinoa, who is the awesome. She did a little request art for me for my story, Loved. I’ll be posting it with the next chapter, and from what I understand, she’s doing another. So huzzah! She’s a talented chica, yesh she is!

Okay, I’m out of news for now. Chat at ya!


Writing Again, MJ’s Send Off, & Other Stuffs.

Monday, 6 July, 2009

Welp, it’s been a couple of days since I’ve updated with stuff other than strictly MJ news, so happy belated 4th of July. I hope y’all had fun and did the whole bbq thing.

Yesterday was Neo’s birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NEO!!) and I wanted to write something for her. She chose Inu-cest with a splash of angst, and I kinda shocked myself because I wrote it under 2 hours. Shit, it was almost a reminder of just how fast I can update when I really want to, lol. But seriously, it was nice to be able to do something for someone that has tirelessly done so many things for me. And she actually liked it, so that made me smile. —> 😀 See?

The story is called “Tempest” and it’s a 1700 word ficlet with a little angst and smut. If you like yaoi, you may enjoy it. I’m still new to boylove, and most of my lovelies don’t read that, so I don’t expect many to acknowledge it. But I had a great time writing it, which is always a treat. I like writing Loved, too, and it’s awesome because it’s been so long since I’ve actually liked writing…

Speaking of, the next chapter of “Loved” is in its final stages. (I’m sorry this took so long, Lily, though I know you’ll just laugh and tell me not to rush myself. lol.) I really wanted to have it finished last week, but I admit, the MJ thing hit me really hard and I lost all concentration for writing. I’m trying to have chapter 3 posted today because tomorrow I may not be any good. As the planet already knows, tomorrow is Michael’s memorial service, and essentially, our last chance to say goodbye. So there’s a good chance that I’ll be upset and not in the mood to do much besides mourn. Mhmm, I was a major fan even if I didn’t share that little obsession with y’all. I have all of his albums, dvds, videos -you name it.

*pictures myself dancing around in my drawers to Smooth Criminal* 😛

Saying farewell for good will be hard on us fans, but God called him home and all we can do is wait to see him again someday. The service will be at the Staples Center and televised on most major networks if you want to see it. I wish I could have gone, but 1.6 million people tried to get 11,000 tickets; there was just no way, lol. Shows the power of a true king. I just hope the service does him justice and they don’t let it turn into something unsavory -which is easy to accomplish with Joe Jackson, the douche, around.

Then there’s the battle over his estate. I know some people have issues with the Jacksons and think they were all just horrible to Mike and that’s why they were cut from the will. I don’t personally believe that. I think there may have been a little strife with his brothers, but it’s pretty plain that he loved his sisters and mother (Though LaToya is a waste of skin). Now, a court has ruled that his estate be handled by two guys who are not family (and Mike is to blame for that) and it’s pretty clear that they have designs to get their hands on his assets, money, and the vault of unreleased songs he made to generate profit for themselves. I mean, why else would they balk at being asked to keep Katherine, his mother, in the loop on all decisions regarding his things? It’s a farce that his earnings may end up in the hands of two men that did nothing to help him acquire them when they should go to his mother and children, whom he loved dearly. What bullshit.

And you know the fight for the kids is coming. I’m sure that glorified surrogate already sees dollar signs, but I’m sure Katherine is ready to fight a war on that. Michael said in his will that he wanted his mother to raise them and if that’s not a tooth and nail battle cry, then nothing is.

On to other stuff. The FA awards just ended, so congrats to all of the winners. I’ll be updating the website today and preparing the awards to be handed out (You know, labeling and such) and then I’m done, for the most part. I’ll be announcing what that means on the FA site after the term officially closes.

Challenge Destiny is doing well. The first prompt brought more entries than I expected, so that was nice. If you’re not a member and would like to be, go ahead. I didn’t restrict it to ED authors. I’ll also be figuring out what the prize is for FOTM since that’s only 3 weeks away. There’s a good chance that it may be something online; I’m busy this month and don’t really want to spend time holed up in the post office.

Eternal Destiny is doing well, too. I’m already planning what the Sept. skin will look like, and of course, on Sept. 1st the Destined Awards start. There will also be a little treat to go with that and I hope everyone enjoys it, but that’s all I’m going to say for now. Official announcements will go up when I open nominations.

Allrighty, it’s time to get started on this FA stuff. Oh,a nd there are tiebreaker polls going on. So if you’re a member, please go vote so we can close this term! 😛


Better Today… and ED has a New Community!

Saturday, 27 June, 2009

First, to all my friends that have checked up on me and showed some love on the blog, thanks. <333 I'm doing better today, a great deal better. Last night I went to bed at 10:45pm and woke up today at 5:15am. I'm off this weekend, so I'm going to devote it to writing and resting. My insomnia, hopefully, is starting to fade, but I'm not out of the woods yet. This has been the worst bout of it in a long, long time, and when you add just how upset I was over MJ's passing... Well, I'm just glad that I finally got some rest, because the day he passed, I had been awake for 24 hours, and after I found out, I was awake nearly another day. Very stressed, lots of tears, and lots of hard memories of my mom and grandma. Sigh. But like I said, I'm better today. I'm spending the weekend listening to his music (not that I didn't do that all the time anyway) and working on some fiction and trying to celebrate the legacy, rather than focusing on the fact that he's gone.

As for the fiction, the 3rd chapter of Loved will most likely post sometime today. It would have been sooner if my insomnia and grief hadn’t hit so hard. Right now, that’s the only story I’m writing because it’s very short and I want to conclude it quickly. Then, I’ll be working on editing the next chapter of Danga’s fic, The Last Exit to Eden. He’s been waiting for ages and I feel so shitty about that. >.< For reasons unknown, that story just gives me a really hard time. I'm not even happy with the next chapter, but it's so long overdue that I simply have to post it. Ever After is about to finally get its ending, too. (So sorry, Chibi!) I’m halfway into that chapter, and it’s on my ‘to do’ list as far as getting completed this summer -along with a few others that are 1 or 2 chaps away. At this point, it will be a shock if anyone remembers those fics, but for my own collection and piece of mind, they must be completed.

And while I’m here, thank you, lovelies, for coming to Absolution and showing Fallen and Loved so much, well, love! lol. I always worry if something I make will be accepted by my peeps, and it was nice to know that you’ve been entertained. I don’t write as much as I once did, but I do try to give ya’ll something new and fun as often as I can get my head to cooperate. So, again, thanks for encouraging me and letting me know the effort isn’t in vain. <33 Then, there's Eternal Destiny. Well, if you haven't been to the site since Friday morning, you missed the announcement. As a summer activity/project, ED has opened its own ficlet community: Challenge Destiny. The basic ED rules apply there (IK ONLY) and there will be weekly challenges. (Check out the profile for details.) There is also a little goodie I came up with called “Ficlet of the Month“.

Every month a special poll will be held and the winner will be crowned our FOTM. They’ll get a banner, a spot on ED’s homepage for a month, and a tangible gift that will either be mailed, or redeemed online. For now, we’re open as a summer thing, but if interest remains, it will be around longer. I was probably the last holdout as far as making a drabble comm, and that was simply because I didn’t have the time to devote, nor am I on LJ very much. But my lovely moderators have all agreed to to pretty much run the place in my stead, thus allowing me the freedom I need to offer it. So, big round of applause to them for that.

The comm is 17+ (because I don’t plan on excluding adult entries), and profiles will be checked for age. It’s also open to all IK fans, not just members of Eternal Destiny. So long as they respect my staff and follow the comm rules on content and behavior, come one, come all. But if you’re a wanky fuck, steer clear because I’ll ban you without discussion. I’m not dealing with any more shit from assholes in my domains. Period. We’re there to have fun and win goodies; if that concept escapes your tiny brain, keep it moving.

Okay, I think I’ve properly updated y’all, so that means I need to get to work on Loved. But before I go, I mentioned to Lina that Sayuriko (My Lily!) made the cutest pic of InuYasha as Indiana Jones and that I would post it with my next update. Here it is! 😀


Kawaii, ne? She’s too awesome. 😀
Happy Saturday and I’ll see ya on Absolution when I update. <33 P.S. “Give in to Me” is probably my favorite MJ song. Awesome doesn’t even begin to describe him…

Second Verse, Same as the First!

Wednesday, 3 June, 2009

Well, where to start?

The Eternal Destiny contest is over and we’ve crowned our winners. Want to know who snatched the honors? Visit the ED LiveJournal for results and pretty banners. I also got the new skin up, and I have to say that it’s probably my favorite. Aside from the pretty header (courtesy of RighteousRed and Neo), I love the vivid blue and white scheme. I’ve done a blue before for the Summer Skies layout, but Heatwave trumps it. Definitely. And aside from that, Neo made some pretty bitchin’ banners for the contest winners using the header art (which is what I wanted since the contest and skin goes hand in hand), so big kudos to her.

I’ve already mentioned this, but I will do so again. RighteousRed gave that fanart to me as a gift and I really can’t thank her enough (though I certainly tried to!). She’s a brilliant artist and an amazingly generous person -and not just because of this giftart, but in general. She lets me commission her to death (and never fails to give me exactly what I want!) and she has offered her entire gallery to the Feudal Association. As in, take what you need and you don’t even have to ask. That, to me, is just a testament to how awesome she is. She rawks.

Okay, speaking of. The FA nominations has kicked in so get in there and nominate your favorite stories and fanart. We accept any nomination from pretty much any site. Go do your fandom duty!

I plan on writing this week. I’m nearly finished with Danga’s next chapter. I wanted to post it this weekend, but ED stuff really sidetracked me due to the multiple ties and other stuff. But I want to make good on my months long promise, lol. I also owe Miss Goddess something that I’ve been unable to dig into for a long, long time (but I plan to start the first chap this week as well).

Hell, I owe a few people fictions. I don’t know when I’ll be able to deliver, but I’ll try my best. Plus, on June 16th, Absolution turns 3 years old, and InuGrrrl turns 4. I’m celebrating (as you know) with a new story that I wanted to pen 2 years ago. I even had Notoes commemorate it with a doll that is already finished. WAHOO! I’ll post a pic of the doll on Anniversary day.

And while we’re on dolls, she finished my Hikari doll! It’s so kawaii, too. She re-made the pic Ilsa made for me, and I must say that it’s pretty accurate. I love it. Here’s Ilsa’s art for 2006:


Now, here’s that art brought to life!



How fucking cute is that?? The doll for my new fic is just as squee-worthy, and she really outdid herself. By the time I’m done, I’ll have a wall of her dolls! 😀

After I made this blog, I killed my Xanga. Only, I totally forgot that my gift AMVs were hosted there. >.< Worse, because I closed the account, I couldn't get my penname again. Ah well. I think that as infamous as I am, everyone is pretty clear on who InuGrrrl is. But anyway, I didn't want to host the videos myself because it's a bandwidth drain, so I opened another account. No blogging will be going on there; just video hosting. I even put a simple little skin up and it looks better than the old video page, which was plain and xanga-looking. Anyways, it's here.

Ungh. I have site work to do for the FA, so it’s time to bounce. Hopefully I’ll get it up quick, grab a bite, then hit the fiction. Now to remember that this is fun and not work…

Happy Hump Day!


The Pros and Cons of Breathing.

Friday, 29 May, 2009

I haven’t updated this thing in a while, huh? Well, it’s been a little busy around here as of late. As y’all know, I do have a job and a life outside of fandom and that’s had all of my concentration. I haven’t been doing much outside of working and sleeping lately, and I mean, I’ve been hitting the sheets by 9pm. It’s just hectic these days. However, I have the weekend off and I plan to devote that to my fandom duties.

The Eternal Destiny contest ends tonight and I’ll be reading the entries on Saturday (along with my appointed fellow judges). So the winners will be chosen by Sunday. Then, I’ll be working with Neo on the banners and readying the prizes for shipping. Well, except first place. That will be coming from the awesome, Notoes. 😀 The next ED contest won’t be for a while -probably six months or so.

The new skin for ED is complete, as is the new skin for the ED LiveJournal and the Imagery Eternal gallery. (Yeah, on top of work, I’ve been busy on that stuff, too.) I think you guys will like the fanart and header and I’m giddy to show it to y’all. But, that won’t be until Monday. Yup, ED was the first and is still bringing the fresh shit. 0.~

Speaking of Monday, don’t forget that the Feudal Association nominations begin on Monday as well, so get in there and nominate your favorite stories and fanart. We accept submissions from any publicly accessible website. We’ve also introduced a new category:

Best Ficlet – Drabble or poetry of any genre or pairing with a word count of 800 or less.

That means all of those teeny, tiny fics and poems that have caught your fancy now have a proper home. So come share them with us. ^^

I haven’t done much writing lately. I’ve wanted to, but I’m seriously blocked and I have a lot on my plate at the moment, so the time isn’t really there. But I do want to say that I’m still alive and I’m not retired, lol. New chapters will come as soon as my head gets back into it. Trust me on that. I won’t be shutting down until I complete the fics that I still really love.

So, I’m probably last on the bandwagon, but I finally created an account on Last fm. OMG, I fucking love that place. I made the account on Tuesday, or something, but only last night did I create the profile and add my library. For those that are unfamiliar, Last fm is a music site where you can listen to/discover new artists in addition to listening to the ones you love. You add your favorite bands to your library and they make recommendations for you (of other groups).

You can also create a “radio station” by entering a band’s name. The system will then collect other bands that have a similar sound/genre and play non-stop tunes for you while displaying information on the current band and the station itself displays photos of the band. So far, I found 5 new groups/songs that I’ve liked enough to download, which is pretty awesome. Some bands also offer free downloads, too. I don’t plan on getting social with anyone there (They have shoutboxes, forums, etc.), but if any of y’all sign up, feel free to friend me. Since I actually know y’all, I’ll respond. 😛

I have a dentist appointment today (so, so fun to go to the dentist in the rain), and then I need to shop for food (more fun). But then I’ll be home attempting to write and I’ll probably start in on the contest entries. I hope everyone’s been well. I’ve hardly had a moment to e-mail anyone or visit with my HOA family, but I’ll be doing that over this free weekend.

So, lil6ter and my J!!! told me that there’s a new movie out (well, this was before it actually hit theaters) called GFE. Yeah, The Girlfriend Experience. I snagged the film the day before it was released and couldn’t get out of the first 30 minutes. My God, it’s so boring. >.< J!!! thought it was a lot like my GFE (in the synopsis anyway), but I can assure you that it’s not. At least not from what I’ve seen thus far. I’m going to try it again over the weekend, but I’m not looking forward to it, lol.

I also downloaded The Venture Bros. seasons, and OMG, it’s hilarious. If you haven’t been watching that on Adult Swim, you must. It’s fucking fantastic, and I adore Dr. Girlfriend. The joke with her begins when she opens her mouth. 😛

Allrighty, now that I’ve done a bit of updating with y’all, I shall take my leave. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and gets in on the great weather we’re supposed to have. Me? I’m going to stay home and be lazy. I’ve got all summer to roast outside!

Ciao, bellas!
