Beyond Redemption – Squee!

Category “Squee!”

Fiction is Still Not Ready, But

Wednesday, 22 February, 2012

The new skin is. Yay! \o/

Like I said, it’s a scene from an older, completed fiction. The original art (and you wanna see it. It’s awfully pretty), will post on the same day as the skin (at my gallery). My awesome Neo even made a really cute wallpaper for me with the art, so I’m giddy. I won’t be posting the wallie, though. At least not without a heavy watermark, since that was a personal goodie for me. <333 I'm still waiting for more art, including the Knife of Romance scene. So I probably won’t even begin work on the next chapter until that piece is ready. You guys have been with that story for a long time and deserve some eye candy (and no, no one is nude. Perverts. lol.)
There are only a few chapters left to that one. I had some other places I was thinking of taking the plot, but I think I may cut it short in favor of completion.

Anymewho, you won’t see this skin right away because I want you to see two others first. But you will definitely see it soon along with more updates. The Neighbor >.> is being difficult. Apologies in advance, but these next 2 chapters really will be short. Like, 3000 words short. They’re the last on the original list, and while I did say that I reserve the right to skip anything that gives me a headache, I don’t want to do that with these two, especially the problem child. I get TONS of inquiries about that fucking story and I cringe at the thought of all the lovelies who will be disappointed by not seeing some kind of update on it, even if it’s not a great update…

So, bear with me a bit longer. Something will appear by Friday, hell or high water, greatness or suckage.


Friday, 10 February, 2012

I just got one of my new arts back, and HOLY SHIT, you guys are gonna go nuts. It’s SO gorgeous that even I’m surprised! It’s a scene from an older, completed story that was pretty popular (and many of you still like it today). It deserved more art, and wow, you guys are really going to love it.

I’m sending it off to my guru, Neo, now to create the skin header. The original art will be posted sometime after the skin is up. Then I’ll just wait for you girls to roll yer tongues back into yer faces. Srsly, they look THAT good. <3 In fiction news, I admit that my hands are bothering me more now. Carpal tunnel is a writer's worse nightmare. That's all I'm saying. >_< It's only been a couple of continuous updates and my hands are already giving me shit. However, I refuse to stop while I have some inspiration. The two always seem to coincide, but I'd rather keep writing and take a break afterward. So, wish me luck with my painkillers. In actual story news, I'm about 2000 words into my next update. Because my hands are really bugging me now, it may not be as long as my last update. If I feel that my stopping point can't be short (cause it doesn't work with what I'm doing), the update may take a bit longer due to the hands. But the good news is that, officially, there's just 3 updates left to FA month, so I'll probably still make my deadline. Go me! And my birthday is coming on March 2nd! (Onna's, too) \o/ If you've been with me since the start, you know I usually write myself a little PWP giftie. Not sure if I'll do it this year, but I'll try. If it's not a PWP, at the very least, it will be a new novella (cause I have a wealth of unwritten plots). But dammit, I'm giving myself something!

Last, but always first, big thanks to everyone who’s been reviewing. I’m answering as much as I can when my hands don’t ache, but I’m definitely reading them and wholly appreciate the effort. You guys will not be forgotten when the time comes. <3 Wait for the art! ^____^

Manga Withdrawal!

Monday, 6 February, 2012


Had to get that out. 😛

Man, because of FA Month I haven’t read any manga in almost 2 weeks! I’m going through withdrawals, dammit! >_< And it's funny, because I'm a person who never used to read manga. I started getting into it in the past year, or so, heavily. InuYasha was the only one (and I still haven't read half of that). But I don't read "epic" stuff. I read small mangas with just a few volumes and oneshots/compilations of oneshots. I particularly like Korean manhwa and smut stories. They're the cream in my latte! \o/ I know many enjoy the biggies (Like Fairytale or Naruto), but after InuYasha, ginormous shit like that is a turn off. I don't even care for stuff that goes past 20 chapters unless the story is really good. I don't want to invest that kind of time. So it's been hard seeing that mountain of notifications in my inbox and knowing I don't have the time to read to my heart's content. >.> Hell, I think they may be the reason why y’all can’t get proper updates!

But anyway -thanks for voting in the poll about the old fics and LOTS of thanks to everyone who took a minute to review the latest chapter of GFE. I really do appreciate it, and even though my hands are bugging me (just a little. I have my braces and I’m putting them to use), I did get a chance to respond to all of them. So, again, thank you!

As for going private with Abi, I’ve posted a new Terms of Service that I’ll be adding to today, and in it, it spells out how things will work and how reader accounts will be distributed. I haven’t announced when the site will go on lockdown, but the other info is there. Take a peek whenever you like; that page will always be available to the public.

See ya at the next update!

ABBY: If you’re reading this, e-mail me please. :)


Tuesday, 24 January, 2012

I had to come share this! Moniquiu, a mega-talented graphic artist over at dA, gifted me with another wallie for Hikari to complete the “trilogy”. 😀 I’m sooooo giddy. As you guys know, my health isn’t great, and the writing’s been hard, but this gave me such a boost! It’s freakin’ gorgeous and she captured the latest chapter beautifully. Come love on it! xD

The full size wallie will be at Decadence shortly and the full art of “Gladiator Yasha” is also posted. ^^

In fic news, expect a new chapter either tonight or tomorrow -and it’s going to come with yet another new skin. *waggles brows*

To everyone who’s been reviewing, thanks bunches. It means a lot and has totally motivated me to keep plugging away. <3 (Nutella, you rock. Muah!)

Bringing in 2012 Right!

Tuesday, 3 January, 2012

SQUEE!! (Had to get that out!)

My very awesome g-artist, Neo, made a new layout for my main site (Go see!) using the art you see now, which was created by Sarah-Belle, who is just amazing. I came to her with almost no references, just a concept, and based on just my words, she was able to pull this pretty out of her hat and it’s exactly what I wanted. How cool is that? Then Neo, being the guru that she is, came up with my tattoo (makes me wanna get it for real!).

I haz so happy!
(Yes, it’s the little things that bring me the greatest joy.)

Of course, Absolution will have a layout and that’s where you’ll get to see the full art, and it’s really awesome. I’m so happy with it! <333 I'm working on updates and hope to have a couple for you guys by the weekend. I was feeling a little sick today (due to my new condition) and didn't get much done. But I'm working on it, and as stated before, turning over a new leaf. New site, new artwork, new chapters, and I'm getting rid of the old. I cut a few people off (and still doing so). They're not really friends anymore, so I'm done there. Life is too short and I wanna have my fun, not worry about who's mad at me this time and why, especially when I’m always going out of my way for people. But, what can ya do? Nothing. I just don’t care anymore; too many real life worries, ya know?

Anymewho! Gonna post my daily poll at Deviant Art, shower, then write a bit more before bed.


2012: Trimming the Bullshit

Friday, 30 December, 2011

Dang. We’re coming up on 2012 in a couple of days, and I don’t know about y’all, but 2011 sucked for me. I had a few high points, like having great art done by my Sarah-Belle, the wonderful gifts I’ve been given by my friends, the time I’ve spent with my family -RL and online- and the fact that I’m still alive… But plenty of shitty stuff happened too.

I won’t get into specs, but I was diagnosed with a genetic “disease” and it sucks the hell out of everything! I was blown away when I found out right before Christmas, spent a bit of time being miserable, but realized that it isn’t lethal unless I choose to make it that way. I can deal with it and still do everything (well, just about everything) I love to do. I just have to stay on my meds and treat myself better. And there is no choice in that because I’m not ready to go anywhere yet. lol.

I took another unintended hiatus from writing, but you guys know me. I always come back, even when my inspiration is at an all-time low. This won’t be the exception. I want to start the new year doing things I still enjoy and that means remembering how much I love InuYasha and how much I love dishing out my crazy shit to y’all. So, no more BS. No more worrying about my health (now that I know what’s up), no more dwelling on past hurts. It’s over and done and time to get back to business, ne?

And big, huge thanks to everyone who has been coming by Absolution, leaving reviews and letting me know you’re ready for some new chapters. It’s been motivating, which is why I’m going to be starting FA month for the new year. So just hang in there, lol. And remember, chapters will NOT be long. My hands are giving me business (in part, due to my new illness), so I can’t blow tons of ‘hand stamina’ on just one chapter if you guys still want FA month.

In AWESOME-FANTASTIC news, InuGrrrl [dot] Net will shortly have a new look with layout V3, and it is sooo cute, lol. My super-awesome-da shyt g-artist, Neo the Great, just showed me the sneaky peek and I love it! I commissioned my Sarah-Belle a while back to make this really off the hook new version of Yasha and I and she knocked it out the park, as usual. Add Neo’s brilliance and your Grrrl is ready to roll for the new year. 😀

And speaking of new year, my resolution (aside from taking better care of myself) is to, as the title says, cut the bullshit. Those who have wronged me in the past are going to stay in my past. I just don’t have time for it. Given what’s going on in my life now, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about online dramatics. No hard feelings and buh-bye. I’ve always been a “one strike” type. Fuck me over once and we’re done. Well, that’s going into overdrive. If you’re a friend, act like one, or I’ll walk away from you forever. If you’re not a friend, then why the hell are you here? There’s always a door. Use it. Life is too short for nonsense.

If you’re one of my readers who never review, I advise you start. Illness means prioritizing. If I feel like I’m writing just to see myself make a post, I’m going to stop, period. It taxes my hands, takes up a lot of time, and it isn’t worth it if my readers are too lazy to leave feedback.

That’s pretty much all I have to report for the moment. Just wanted to come in here and keep those who watch this journal updated on the happenings. Chapters coming shortly. 😀

Lovely Giftart From Cati!

Tuesday, 8 November, 2011

The sweet and talented Cati over at Deviant Art made some fanart for Love Like Winter. Needless to say, it captures the scene perfectly and I squeed myself to death when I saw it. She’s just amazing! I’m totally inspired to finish that thing now!

Supa Squee!

Wednesday, 12 October, 2011

The lovely and talented Moniquiu over at Deviant Art makes wonder wallpapers -you’ve probably seen the gifties in my gallery- and last night she honored my request for a wallpaper of the only character in Vampire Knight that I actually like.


Giddy! ^__^

Tuesday, 4 October, 2011

I saw the semi-finished product of my latest fanart. The characters are done, so there’s just the background to handle. It’s for my website, so it’s Yasha and I, but it is AWESOME. I mean, fucking wow. And I’m already planning my next one. I plan to have an entire wall dedicated to just my commissioned art. They’ll be really nice keepsakes for the future.

I’m also working on fics. Sorry this process isn’t moving any faster. I’ve got other shit going on, plus bouts of laziness, but I’ll get it done. I don’t plan to post anything until I’m ready to kick off FA month. That way, once it starts, you’ll know that more is automatically coming. I’ll also be showing all of the new art that you guys haven’t seen yet -and there’s quite a few. So they’ll either be skins, or will be featured with upcoming chapters. Hopefully, it will bring a few squeals. I know for a FACT that you guys are going to love what I had made for MPR. It’s just that awesome. xD

Okay, I’m off. <3

Can Neo Be More Awesome?!

Friday, 30 September, 2011

You guys probably don’t know her, but Neo is my good friend and graphic artist. She’s done 95% of all the cool headers you see at Absolution and Eternal Destiny. She’s SUPER talented and can pretty much bring just about all my concepts to life. 😀

Well, she got me a giftie the other day and it was such a nice surprise! We both love Halloween, and since I never dress up Absolution, she got me some awesome giftart for the occasion. So, for the first time, Absolution is all dressed up for the holiday! It will be visible tomorrow, Oct. 1st, and will be up all month. \o/

So make sure you visit the site and the gallery in Oct. The site art is a bit different from the original, and I’ll be posting the artist’s version at Decadence.

Also, I know you guys are waiting for FA to kick off. I admit, I’ve been a little under the weather and busy and haven’t really dug in yet. I did write well into the last chapter of one of my stories, but oddly, it wasn’t on the FA list, nor was it in the poll (It’s not GFE). So, that may be a bonus chapter I throw in if I can finish it in time. But this weekend, BS aside, I’m going to get started.

A few things:

1. Chapters won’t be that long. As y’all know, I have carpal tunnel. If I want to pull off that many chapters in just a month, they can’t be those monster chaps I usually do after a hiatus.

2. They may not be that great. I haven’t written some of these in a long, LONG time. Plus, I just haven’t felt like writing anything in general since August, so you know how that goes. It may be good, it may be passable. Just pray! xD

3. Some stories may not get a chapter. If I’m struggling, I’m going to substitute that story for another. It’s better than chancing the dreaded b-word across the board because I keep trying to mess with one that isn’t cooperating.

That’s about it. Now, the waiting game begins! xD