Just a quickie update for those who still peek in here. I’m in the midst of a carpal/cubital tunnel flare up (Pain from the tops of the shoulders down to the tips of the fingers). I can’t type for extended periods of time (like when I write) without serious pain (pins/needles/burning/aches x50). I’m back in braces, but I can feel myself getting a bit better. Also found some supplements that will help with the nerve pain (that’s what carpal/cubital is). They should be here in a few days, so until then, I’m trying to take it easy. I’m going to start writing today and will post whatever I can come up with. I don’t want to give you anything super short, but it really depends on my hands, so don’t be shocked by a chapter as small as 2k. I can write in short spurts for the time being, so I’m playing it by ear and doing what I can.
To those who have been at the site, re-reading and leaving kind reviews for me -thank you so much! It’s been a real source of motivation. For all of you guys who have been nudging me toward writing originals and getting published, well, you may finally get what you want. However, it may come at a price. Still thinking about it, but your faith in me is much appreciated.