Beyond Redemption – Personal Shit.

Category “Personal Shit.”

Alive and a Bit Better.

Sunday, 13 October, 2013

Just a quickie update for those who still peek in here. I’m in the midst of a carpal/cubital tunnel flare up (Pain from the tops of the shoulders down to the tips of the fingers). I can’t type for extended periods of time (like when I write) without serious pain (pins/needles/burning/aches x50). I’m back in braces, but I can feel myself getting a bit better. Also found some supplements that will help with the nerve pain (that’s what carpal/cubital is). They should be here in a few days, so until then, I’m trying to take it easy. I’m going to start writing today and will post whatever I can come up with. I don’t want to give you anything super short, but it really depends on my hands, so don’t be shocked by a chapter as small as 2k. I can write in short spurts for the time being, so I’m playing it by ear and doing what I can.

To those who have been at the site, re-reading and leaving kind reviews for me -thank you so much! It’s been a real source of motivation. For all of you guys who have been nudging me toward writing originals and getting published, well, you may finally get what you want. However, it may come at a price. Still thinking about it, but your faith in me is much appreciated. Sweet Kiss

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired!

Saturday, 5 October, 2013

Been sick for a couple of days, made worse by today’s visit for “Aunt Flo”. Everything sucks at present, and to top it off, I only like 1, maybe 2, songs from Placebo’s new album. That means when I see them on the 15th, I’ll be stuck with most of them -like the Depeche Mode concert. SIGH. Hope you can stand some mega short chapters for a bit, if any at all. I feel so fucking out of it. I just want to feel better. ARGH!!!!

Been watching Breaking Bad in the meantime and I’m on Season 4. So many characters annoy me. Wow. Especially Jessie and Skyler. Two nerve-wracking individuals if ever there were!

Sorry For the Lack of Anything

Monday, 30 September, 2013

I probably didn’t mention this before, but I hurt my shoulder last week sometime. I don’t even know how. I just woke up one day, and from that day on, my shoulder has been seriously painful with limited movement at the rotator cuff. To top it off, my doctor is on vacation. So, I haven’t been writing much -sorry- but the good news is that I’ve been feeling a bit better (found some exercises on YT that are helping a bit), so I’ll attempt a bit of writing and see how it goes.

In other fun news, I watched Sherlock (the BBC show) and it’s brilliant. I wasn’t too interested in watching it until I finally owned my crush on “Khan” from Star Trek: Into Darkness (Benedict Cumberbatch), but I’m so glad I did. If you haven’t seen it, do yourself a favor and do so. All of the available seasons are on Netflix. It’s rapid-fire, witty, and just fucking fun. If you haven’t seen the newest Star Trek, hurry up and see that, too. I’ve seen it 4 times already and love it a little more each time (Saw the first one in 2009 a whopping 14 times, so yeah. I’m a bit of a trekkie). (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

I just adore Khan to fucking pieces. So much so, it rivaled -and almost surpassed- my love for Zachary Quinto’s Spock (whom I love to no end!). Those green-blue eyes and those lovely cheekbones… (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)

And to sate my Khan lust, look what Kau got me!

I’m also getting these wallscrolls:

And this shirt:

The geek in me is all… ♡o。.(✿ฺ。 ✿ฺ)

I also started watching Breaking Bad (finally). I just wasn’t that interested (even though I love the “Malcolm in the Middle” dad), but I finished the first season in 2 days and it’s good. Sad at times, funny at times, but good and it really makes science look cool (Not the drugs and shit, but the other stuff the character shows us along the way). Educational insanity. Ha.

So, anyway, I’ll post an update when I can. Just didn’t want y’all to think I forgot about it. (^_^)b

Delayed, But Working On It.

Wednesday, 18 September, 2013

Just a little note to let y’all know I’m still working on updates. They’re giving me a little trouble, but I am chipping away and this is not another hiatus. Like I warned you guys before, updates will be rusty, but they are coming.

Lately I’ve been getting a lot of kind comments and notes from people who admire me and my fictions and are pushing me to try my hand at publishing (I used to get that in the past, too, but this month I’ve gotten it more than usual). I’m happy to say that I’m finally considering it. However, it would be a long time before that ever came to pass (if it does at all).

You should also know that I don’t have any plans to just drop my IY fics simply because I plan to write more originals. You guys have been with me for years and I wouldn’t just abandon you (like some writers have when they got a bug up their asses to be pursue writing careers). My plan is to finish as many IY stories as I can since, at this point, I still write them solely for you guys.

Okay, you’ve been brought up to speed, so I’m out! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Finished That Damnable Editing!

Sunday, 8 September, 2013

I really needed to clean Onna’s fic, so that’s what I did over the last few days. Since it was complete, and a novella, I wanted to make it presentable ’cause it was seriously messy. Now, it’s clean and neat. I’d like to do that with several fics, but I’ve written so much over the years that I’d be doing that shit forever. >.> Anyway, I’ll be working on other stories now that that’s out of the way.

Depeche Mode was fun, but I wasn’t wild about the set list. They did a lot of songs from the new CD, which I’m not really feeling. I made a few fan cams, but will only share one that I uploaded to YT. It’s unlisted, so it’s not really available to the masses.

My cam is a bit fuzzy ’cause I was 2 levels from the floor, and people kept bumping my arm, making me screw up, but at least you’d get an idea of what I saw. Heh.

And this is the front of the Barclays Center, filled with DM fans. It’s a real monstrosity…

The opening act was “Bat For Lashes”, which seems to be just one chick. She has a nice voice (I checked her out before I went to the concert). She had a very simple set, but like I said, she has a nice voice. The song playing now, “All Your Gold”, is hers. She has a real ‘Sarah McLachlan’ feel to her. This is a nice one, too (ignore the weird video).

Depeche Mode!

Friday, 6 September, 2013

So, I’m going to see Depeche Mode at the Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn tonight and I’m pretty stoked. I haven’t seen them since the “Playing the Angel” tour (I’ve seen them about 4 times altogether) and I’m really hoping that they do a lot of the classics cause the new CD, “Delta Machine” just isn’t all that great to me. >.>

Some group called “Bats for Lashes” is the opening act, so I looked them up to decide if I wanted to get there early enough to catch their set and they’re pretty good. (At least this song is)

It’s kinda nice to be doing something enjoyable today since my mom’s anniversary is tomorrow. I may even grab a t-shirt (I have so many from different concerts!).

My back issues have reappeared, so I’m doing meds and stretches again. Sigh. My arms are angry, too, but I’m not willing to stop writing yet. My sleep patterns are way off again as well, which makes everything worse, and I’ll be having many doc visits in the coming months. Joy.

Right now, tho, I’m in the process of cleaning up “The More Things Change” so I can send it to Onna with a lil red bow, and then I’ll work on some other stuff you guys have been waiting for. ( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡



Saturday, 31 August, 2013

Those are the areas carpal tunnel affects for me, so they’re a little miserable. I’m typing very slowly, so updates will take a bit (You guys did get two, though, so chew on that for a bit. :P)

Also, I’m working on the last chapter of an old story I wrote for Onna. It doesn’t have a lot of readers because of the pairing (I don’t care; it’s for her and only she needs to read it in the end), but it’s part of my campaign to finish some of the old stuff I started if I can. That was the warning, because if I finish it, that will be the next thing I post, so just bear with meh!

My back is bugging me again, too, so it’s back to meds and hopefully it will stop again. >.> Can anything else break down on me? o.O

Sick, But Present.

Saturday, 24 August, 2013

I was really sick on Friday. The kind of sick that keeps you in bed all day long and contemplating a visit to the ER. I’m feeling a bit better now, but not 100%. I’m so sick of this shit, for real. I want one day where something isn’t fucking haywire.

Thursday night I actually got a tiny bit of writing done. I’m hoping to do a bit more tonight, but it probably won’t be much since I’m still recovering. Sigh. I wasn’t happy with what I had, either, but I’m not going to complain too much. The words don’t want to come at all, so beggars can’t be choosy! For a while, chapters may be kind of uneventful, or even dry, but that’s because I’m forcing it now ’cause I have no choice. >.> Yay.

I also popped in at one of my favorite Industrial artist’s website, Assemblage23, and bought a bunch of music. Apparently, he had his own label and had some good acts signed to it. Two of which are, Lost Signal and Espermachine. They’re both fucking awesome (If you like stuff like VNV Nation or Seabound, or Covenent, you’ll like these guys), so expect to hear them on Absolution shortly. Assemblage23 also covered one of my favorite 80’s songs, “Love My Way” by the Psychedelic Furs and it sounds so neat! Embarrassed The digital albums were super cheap, too, and it was nice to support some of my indie groups, especially Assemblage23, whom I love!

Oh, and kau bought me a new computer chair and a back massage thingy that fits into the chair. How awesome is she??? We don’t like the chair much, so I’m debating sending it back. The site wasn’t that forthcoming about the thing and we’re a little unhappy with it in person. The massage thingy, I’ll keep and see how it works out.

Okay, gonna try a bit of writing and see how it goes.

P.S. Wanna read the translation of the new InuYasha drama CD?
It’s actually cute… even if they did make InuYasha look like an idiot. Again.

UGH, My Back!

Tuesday, 20 August, 2013

I totally screwed up my back years ago (two slipped lumbar discs), and it tends to flare up every once in a while, but this… I’m in hell. I injured my upper back a few days ago, but by using a tennis ball in self massage, I fixed my ache almost completely. My lower back is another story… So, I’m doing all of these stretch exercises and I got DRUGS, y’all! XD  My doc gave me a slew of stuff -topical pain cream, motrin, Tylenol3, and muscle relaxers. Hopefully, using all of that stuff in tandem will end this nightmare for a while because just sitting was an issue and I won’t even get into the accompanying sciatica…

Anyway, that’s what’s going on. Gonna attempt a bit of writing today. I’m developing cubital tunnel now (It’s like carpal tunnel of the forearms that runs into the ring and pinky fingers. It just as painful and bothersome), so I’ll have to be careful since I write, but obviously use my hands/arms for work, too. ARGH. Will I ever NOT be aching?!

In “squee” news, my new commission from Cati should be ready soon. It’s for “If I Want To” and I just approved the sketch 2 days ago. It’s super cute and IK -that’s all I’m saying. That fic is getting so much art… I really need to fucking write it already, ne? I’ll see what I can do this week. Yeah... Sure

It’s Been a While.

Thursday, 11 July, 2013

I haven’t updated my blog in a long while. Guess I didn’t have anything to say. Spent the last couple of weeks taking care of my friend, who has a new crop of problems in addition to his old ones. But we’re determined to get him better. As for me, I’ve been on FB a lot, more than usual, playing this game and I realize that I tend to do that (fall into games) when I want to escape shit. Bad habit.

Been rereading old works/chapters, trying to get myself back into my writing by remembering what I liked about it. I’m nowhere near the best; this is just a hobby. But I have to say that I’m rather proud of a lot of my works. I read it and say, “Wow, Grrrl, you actually wrote that.” lol. People have told me often that they really enjoy my stories and how great they are, but unlike so many other fanfic authors, that kind of thing never goes to my head. I’ve got too much of a complex to carry that level of conceit, but I can say -for once- that I’m happy with my stuff and that’s huge for me.

Anymewho, I do plan to write and update in the near future. That used to be my escape, and really, it needs to go back to serving that purpose. After all, I’m realizing that I kinda miss my main squeeze…