Beyond Redemption – Because I'm all out of fucks to give.

Grueling Couple of Days

Wednesday, 29 May, 2013

No, I don’t have any updates ready yet. Let’s just get that off the table now.

The last few days have been spent updating Absolution. You probably didn’t really notice it because I was working internally and only shut it down for a few minutes at a time. It wasn’t fun at all. Now that it’s fixed, I can tell ya what went down. Basically, her software was old and she was starting to spit out random error messages, which isn’t cool.

She needed an upgrade, so I had to do a lot to make it happen, because when I did finally update her software, just about everything that could go wrong went wrong. I won’t get into any tech details -I don’t share that stuff- but I will say that trial and error sucks! But finally, she’s fully updated, secure, and no more random errors or incorrect data numbers. (I deleted several stories that used to be in the archive -not mine- and she wasn’t updating the changes in the reviews. There was about 3oo more than there should have been, but now the numbers are fully accurate and shit is fucking peachy. (ɔ˘з˘)ɔ

In two weeks I turn 8 years old. I’d like to update in time for my anniversary, but we’ll see what happens. There will definitely be a new layout posted with some badass Yasha art (look forward to it!) and I treated myself to the gift of moar Kevin Woo art because >.> I love UKISS. This time, it’s chibi art and it looks fucking adoooorable. I’ll post all my goodies on D-Day (June 16th). Until then, let’s all cross our fingers that you Grrrl’s brain will get out of tech mode and get back into story mode! ✌(-‿-)✌

For Real This Time.

Friday, 24 May, 2013

So, as of today (Friday), I’m going to seriously start writing. I always have an update ready for my anniversary and I don’t want to have that milestone come in with me having done absolutely nothing. I owe that to myself, at the very least. So, let’s see what I can cook up. That said, I don’t know if I’ll be updating as soon as something is ready or if I’ll wait. All I know is that something is getting written, dammit.

Hump Day Confessional: Why am I Still Here, Again? o____O

Wednesday, 22 May, 2013

Today’s confession…

It’s coming up on my 8th anniversary as InuGrrrl. Yup, 8 fucking years. I always thought I’d stop at 6, then 7, now, here we are, at 8. Where did the time go? Is it bad that I can  pretty much remember everything that happened for -AND TO- me in this fandom since that day in 2005? Not all of it was bad, as I just implied. I made some great friends, met cool writers and artists, and wrote –the fuck– out of InuYasha with passion and happiness. He was like a drug and I needed a hit everyday, which is why I have carpal tunnel now. lol.

Then, of course, there were the shitty things that happened: Fake friends, random haters, plagiarists, petty jealousies -all the shit that makes up the cancer of every fandom. But as you can see, I overcame all that and I’m still here, doing what I want to do like I always have.

But I have to be honest; I should have long stopped writing IY fanfic for various reasons: My hands, lack of interest, lack of appreciation, theft, etc. It stopped being worth it a while ago. I only write for my fans and the hope of completing the stories they’ve followed for so long. I used to write tons and finish my fics with consistency, but as shit took its toll and interest slowly died, I just stopped wanting to do anything, really.

I started taking monster hiatuses, updating sporadically, getting strict at Absolution, and becoming fed up with assholes who thought they had a right to judge me because a friend of a friend of a friend said they didn’t “like” me for some reason (Was I supposed to give a shit about that?) or “critique” my fics because someone lied to them and told them they were an authority. On anything at all. That ridiculousness is was what led to the locking of Absolution -along with plagiarism and leeches who thought they were too whatever to leave a review (Btw, I don’t regret locking my site for a moment. Not one moment).

But, I digress.

The point of this post is that I feel like I should have stopped writing IY fics already and I’m kinda stunned that I haven’t. I’m the ‘pick up and leave’ type. I usually don’t make any noise bout it – I just vanish one day like I was never around. It isn’t too late to do just that, but at least now I’d feel a teensy bit guilty and that makes a totally unannounced vanishing a little less likely. A little.


Happy Birthday, Mandy!

Saturday, 18 May, 2013


STAR TREK! ^___________________^

Thursday, 16 May, 2013

So, I saw a midnight screening on Wed. night (a day early) and it was awesomeness. Spock looks great, as always, and Kirk was cool (No one will ever beat William Shatner. Sorry), but the one who stole the spotlight was this guy.

My friend, Jenny, adores this guy -Benedict Cumberbatch- from a show called Sherlock, but I was kinda like, meh. Wow, I stand corrected. He’s playing an iconic villain and he’s fucking gorgeous. He got all the cool poses and close ups, lol. Fuck, he had so much screen presence that when he showed up, you could almost forget Spock and Kirk were in the scene, too. He was a boss. Seriously.

We also got to see the Klingons for the first time. >.> I’ll just say this: Their look was -to me- a step backward. They look nothing like how they do on the real show. I guess this is JJ’s version, but like his Cloverfield monster, it wasn’t great. They also took a classic scene from a certain movie that Trekkies will instantly recognize, however, they played the scene in reverse and it was pretty damn good (No spoilers).

I saw this in 3D and it was worth it for the experience. Gatsby was nice in 3D, but that format is made for a film like Star Trek; they definitely utilized it better. At some points, shit is flying at you and you’re like, WTF?! o_O The sets and stuff were cool, as always, and this movie is decidedly darker than the previous one. The romance between Uhura and Spock was definitely toned down, but that didn’t take anything away from the movie (and there is a little kiss, so if you like that pairing, there ya go. lol.). IMO, we didn’t get to see enough Chekov (at all) or Sulu, but we saw some fun with Scotty who is played adorably by “Shaun of the Dead”.

The plot was actually good -and also, somewhat, taken from a TV episode, so it gets some cool points. “Robo Cop” is in it, too. But I won’t tell ya anything more than that. All in all, I enjoyed this movie, and if you like Trek, you will, too. Big Smile

DiCaprio Fever!

Tuesday, 14 May, 2013

Bought this today. Pages and pages of perfection… what a beautiful man!

And I’m gonna see this beautiful man this weekend…

Happy Mama’s Day ^__^

Sunday, 12 May, 2013

Happy Mother’s Day to my lovelies and their moms. It’s times like this when I really miss my mom and grandma, but… I’ll live. Didn’t sleep very much at all, and “Aunt Flo” paid me a visit very early in the morning, so yeah, not a great day. Got no writing done, and I’m in an overall icky mood, but yeah. Hope yours is better and you’re enjoying the day with your families.


I’m in Love with Leonardo DiCaprio. Again.

Saturday, 11 May, 2013

Saw this on Thursday -midnight show- in 3D. It was pretty amazing. The visuals are really stunning, and Leonard DiCaprio is, like, Titanic gorgeous. Yes, he looks older, but it’s that deliciously mature, debonair kind of older (Which has everything to do with his pretty, clean-shaven face and those fantastic era-centric clothes) that totally makes me say… “He can hit it.”


Hump Day Confessional: Rapid Fire Randomity II

Wednesday, 8 May, 2013

I kinda liked that rapid fire round last time, so it’s getting a second shot.

Today’s Confession…

1. I’ve been sick more times in the past couple of months than I have been in years. UGH.

2. I really, really hate pedophiles, however, I don’t think a fascination with shota or loli should get anyone locked up. “Kids on paper” can’t be harmed or exploited.

3. Marriage doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest.

4. I can’t stand when people ask, “How long will this story be?” like I’d fucking know. If you’re on a timetable, don’t fucking read it. So, unless I say it’s a oneshot, all you need to know is that my longest fic is about 53 chapters and I always said I’d never write another that long. Therefore, it’s safe to assume that whatever I write will be less than 53 chapters. *eyeroll*

5. I really enjoy yaoi. I enjoy it 10 times more than I enjoy shoujo.

6. I dislike when people randomly contact me at fandom-esque websites and strike up a conversation as if we’re friends. It happened for the umpteenth time and I’m annoyed. At least properly introduce yourself and include how you know who I am. If it’s not something you’d do with a stranger on the street, don’t do it on the net. Simple, yes? Same for Twitter and Facebook -DO NOT RANDOMLY FRIEND ME WITHOUT AN INTRO OF SOME SORT.

7. I’m going to see Gatsby on Thursday night (Yes, an advanced screening). Leonardo DiCaprio is a sexy muthafucka and the soundtrack is really good.

8. I randomly decided that I just didn’t feel like going anymore, so I sold my B.A.P. tickets. I’d rather my first k-pop concert be U-KISS, whenever that may be.

9. I’m eating Peanut Butter Cap ‘n Crunch right now. Yum. (And yes, it cuts the roof of the mouth)

10. I’m a proofreader for two scanlation groups under two different names. (And no, I will not tell you which)

11. I think (real) porn is absolutely boring.

12. Despite the wails of desperate fangirls, I don’t find Ryan Gosling attractive. Not even a little. (I did like him in Drive, though)

13. I really like that show, Scandal, because it reminds me of the kind of fanfic I like to write -taboo.

14. I routinely paint my nails pale pink every week, as I dislike all these atrocious, gawdy nail designs.

15. Freshly baked cookies are addictive for me, so I have to be careful with them.


P.S. Gin made a lovely B&W drawing of Kevin for me that I shall giddily hang in my gallery. Big Smile


Friday, 3 May, 2013

So, I wasn’t saying anything, but I’m sick again. Been sick all week. Not with food poisoning, though, so I’ve been a little counterproductive still trying to do stuff, when I should be resting and such. I hate this shit. Seriously. I think I may have changed my mind about attending that k-pop concert. The stories I’m hearing about that group’s fanbase, and their behavior during concerts, is a serious turn off -and that’s in Korea. I can’t imagine how they’d act in the states where people wild out as easily as breathing…

I’ve also been checking out this show called Scandal. During my sickies, I’ve been holed up in bed with Netflix, and now, thanks to Kau, Hulu+, so I’m catching up on all of the episodes. It’s 10 times better than I thought it would be (I’m not a Kerry Washington fan, but I like her in this role. I just wish she’d have more than 2 facial expressions: Pissed off and pitiful). If you haven’t seen it, give it a try. You may be pleasantly surprised (ABC, Thursdays, 10PM in NYC).

I’m going to try to update this weekend, provided I can get my shit together. We’ll see.