Beyond Redemption – Giftart

Category “Giftart”

Lovely Giftart From Cati!

Tuesday, 8 November, 2011

The sweet and talented Cati over at Deviant Art made some fanart for Love Like Winter. Needless to say, it captures the scene perfectly and I squeed myself to death when I saw it. She’s just amazing! I’m totally inspired to finish that thing now!

Odd, But Good, News.

Friday, 21 October, 2011

Just here for a quickie.

I finally finished a chapter today, but don’t get too happy. >.> It’s a very short chapter for a story that wasn’t even on the list. WTH? Why have non-FA stories been biting at me? I figured I’d write it anyway. Any words are better than no words, ne? Hopefully this means that my 2.5 month slump is finally waning. I even wrote a bit of If I Want To, though I have been seriously considering dropping that story. I just haven’t wanted to touch it, but I got a whole scene written, so maybe it’s a sign.

FA month will probably start sometime in Nov. I want to have a few chapters ready to go before I kick off, just so I’m not rushing/struggling. And if things keep going this way, you’ll have extra stories you weren’t expecting. o.O

And in “Oh Wow” news, I got some surprise giftart. It’s posted at the gallery.

Also been checking out a lot of Asian horror movies. I have to say, their idea of horror and what we see in America are very different, but some of them have been pretty entertaining, if not puke worthy. lol. Ever heard of one called Three Extremes? It’s a trilogy of shorts -one by a Korean director, a Chinese director, and a Japanese director (which I think is a really cool thing).

Well, the Chinese offering is called “Dumplings” and it was turned into a longer feature of its own. I’ll just say this -it’s not for the faint at heart, as the subject matter is pretty gruesome (I saw both). Mind you, it’s no slasher flick by far. But the center of the story is disgusting and just inhuman. Yet, a part of me gives kudos to them for taking it there.

Oh, and Takahashi Miike is awesome. He’s the Japanese director in “Three Extremes” and he’s also the guy behind “Audition”, “Ichi The Killer”, and the TV-banned, Masters of Horror short, “Imprint” (Trust me, they banned it with good reason). I have every intention of seeing all his works. \o/

Can Neo Be More Awesome?!

Friday, 30 September, 2011

You guys probably don’t know her, but Neo is my good friend and graphic artist. She’s done 95% of all the cool headers you see at Absolution and Eternal Destiny. She’s SUPER talented and can pretty much bring just about all my concepts to life. 😀

Well, she got me a giftie the other day and it was such a nice surprise! We both love Halloween, and since I never dress up Absolution, she got me some awesome giftart for the occasion. So, for the first time, Absolution is all dressed up for the holiday! It will be visible tomorrow, Oct. 1st, and will be up all month. \o/

So make sure you visit the site and the gallery in Oct. The site art is a bit different from the original, and I’ll be posting the artist’s version at Decadence.

Also, I know you guys are waiting for FA to kick off. I admit, I’ve been a little under the weather and busy and haven’t really dug in yet. I did write well into the last chapter of one of my stories, but oddly, it wasn’t on the FA list, nor was it in the poll (It’s not GFE). So, that may be a bonus chapter I throw in if I can finish it in time. But this weekend, BS aside, I’m going to get started.

A few things:

1. Chapters won’t be that long. As y’all know, I have carpal tunnel. If I want to pull off that many chapters in just a month, they can’t be those monster chaps I usually do after a hiatus.

2. They may not be that great. I haven’t written some of these in a long, LONG time. Plus, I just haven’t felt like writing anything in general since August, so you know how that goes. It may be good, it may be passable. Just pray! xD

3. Some stories may not get a chapter. If I’m struggling, I’m going to substitute that story for another. It’s better than chancing the dreaded b-word across the board because I keep trying to mess with one that isn’t cooperating.

That’s about it. Now, the waiting game begins! xD

Surprise Giftart! ^_____^

Wednesday, 13 July, 2011

I just got the nicest surprise! My chick, Jayna, had some giftart made for Money. Power. Respect. It’s a scene from the first chapter of InuYasha having a loving moment with his mate before his life went haywire.

Admittedly, it’s one of my favorite chapters in that fiction and one of the first times I ever introduced an OC (Tanisha). It was definitely the first time I had an OC be his love interest, so this was a lot of awesome firsts for me and I love that she liked it enough to have it immortalized.

Ages ago, someone asked me if I’d ever do a small prequel for that fiction, chronicling InuYasha and Tanisha’s relationship before everything went down. I didn’t think about it much at the time, but who knows? I may end up doing a short novella at some point. MPR has such “epicness” to it as far as the amount of craziness in the plot that maybe it deserves to have a “full” story from start to insane finish. Hm….

Have a peek!

Victory is Mine! ^_____^

Wednesday, 6 July, 2011

It took several days, but i finished Neo’s birthday fic on time! Woot! It’s called Can You Keep A Secret? and it’s yaoi-ish with a nice twist that I haven’t done before. If you usually shy away from my boylove, you may wanna check this one out anyway. It’s funny, and pervy, and cute if I do say so myself. 😀 It’s also almost 12,000 words long. Yipes! I haven’t written as much as I’m doing now in years (and i don’t mean like how I went on that big tear with The Neighbor, but generally updating all fics and making new ones). It’s fun and I hope I can keep it up for a long while!

Today, after work and such, I’m going to work on the new Money. Power. Respect. skin and try to make another header on my own (I made this MPR one. I’m not that great with graphics -still learning- but I like how it turned out. Almost like a mini version of the full art). I also got the sketch last night for my next one and WOW. The art is going to look better than the fucking fic it was made for! LOL. It’s for a super early story that needs an overhaul, but I always liked the concept of the story and thought it deserved some pretty art -and boy, is it gonna be pretty! ^________________^

I’m also going to work on Nutella’s oneshot. I want to see if I can get at least half of it done this week along with the end of Pas De Deux. But I’m not going to rush. These massive chapters lately (Like Secret and Pas) take a toll, so I’m going to write leisurely.

And I got another pretty yesterday!! I met the coolest g-artist on dA named Moniquiu who makes these amazing wallies (Seriously, go see her stuff. She has IY and VK wallies to die for!). I’ve mentioned her before because she honored my request to do a Human Yasha one a couple of weeks back.

Well, she started reading the fics I have posted (the smut-shots xD) and really liked them, including Playing The Angel and she made a wallie for it. I was so surprised and gushy! 😀 She used one of my favorite human arts, too, and it’s awesome. You can see the full version here. But I’ll post a smaller one now.

I say yes! 😛

Made My Whole Weekend!

Friday, 24 June, 2011

I was feeling so tired and blah that I ended up going to bed last night at 9pm… just to wake up at 2am! So, I check mail and then go to see if I have any duties awaiting me at Deviant Art (I run several groups) and WHOA. The fabulously talented Cati-Art, who makes the most beautiful Sess/Kikyou art I’ve ever seen (I know that pairing may seem odd, but she makes it work -and secretly, I’ve messed with that pairing myself… but anywho!) gifted me with some Human InuYasha AU art for my 6th anniversary. It was such a surprise and I was so freakin ecstatic! She made him look completely scrumptious and I thank her profusely! Have a peek! ^_^


Flowers and Bricks and Surprises -Oh My!

Sunday, 29 May, 2011

First, flowers…

Well, now that she’s said it on Facebook, I guess it’s okay to talk about it. The other day a friend of mine passed away. His mother is like my own mother. I call her “Onna” and you’ve seen her name all over my site, I’m sure. Her son, Michael, aka Mikey, left us on the 25th, but I found out a few days later. To say it was devastating is a real understatement. This is someone I’ve talked to and joked with, and to hear something so sudden happen to someone so young throws everything for loop and really makes you question what’s important. He’ll be missed, especially by his Mama who doted on him. It’s a tragedy when a mother has to bury her child. I hope he’s resting peacefully, finally free of all that ailed him. <3 Now, bricks... Do you know what a brick is? Someone I used to know told me they were the stupidest people alive, and this weekend, I can say with absolute certainty that I dealt with a fucking brick. The situation doesn’t warrant more than that -at the moment- but trust me, I was accosted by a blend of stupid that was so potent the shit oughta be bottled. It should be against the law to be such a self-important, delusional dipshit. For real.

Then there are surprises…

Isn’t it funny when people pull stunts and their nonsense gets followed by good karma -for you? This morning while I was working on a site for some friends, my little brother, Danga surprised me with a gift commission for my 6th anniversary next month! He was reading my old story, Fatality, and decided to get a little Yasha portrait done for it (He says I don’t give that fic any love ’cause it has no art and such 😛 But I actually am having art made for it after my next commish is done. But anyway…). It’s super cute, too!

I usually make a new fic for my anni, but I dunno… Should I follow the tradition? I usually give myself a lemon fic for my birthday and a normal fic for my anniversary. I have a story I want to do for myself, but I haven’t started any of it yet. If I can slam down the first chapter, I’ll definitely post it. I even have art/a layout ready for the story -it’s just not written. So, we’ll see.

Okay, time to rest. I pulled an all-nighter, and I actually want to write later on today. I’m working on another old one, and a couple of news ones. The old one is closer to completion, though.

Spread Your Legs… and FUCK the World!

Sunday, 13 February, 2011

So, I’ve had a lil sumthin sumthin to drink. 😀

No, not drunk, but just right, feel me? It’s been a while since I’ve indulged, New Year’s Eve to be exact, so I was overdue to get my Parrot’s Bay Rum on. (Gawd, SO GOOD! Not that I’m encouraging anyone to get their drink on).

Anyway, I’m trying to post here more often, and I’m also gonna leave comments open sometimes (when I remember. It’s off by default). Not that I think anyone has anything to say either way, but just in case you wanna toss your .03 in. Yeah *slurs* So, let’s freakin’ update, shall we?! 😛

I got some cute giftart the other day from ‘Jay’, this cool chickie I met on Deviant Art. I usually don’t befriend new people anymore due to the fact that I’ve been burned enough time by fandom chicks to last a fucking LIFETIME, but I made the exception, and thus far, she’s cool people. But anyway, point is, she surprised me with some nice art from one of my favorite artists, so it was pretty damn awesome. Wanna see?

Cute, ne? The artist, who I just love, even put my new lil “symbol” on it as a necklace. Am-ski started it with my “Baseball Cap Yasha” and the interlocking “IG”, so now he makes sure Yasha is always wearing it in my art -and now- me, too! 😀 So, again, that was a nice surprise and completely unexpected.

And speaking of gifties, Kau is making something for me! I know what it is, but I’m waiting to see the finished product. I guess it’s a bit of a birthday present that I’ll probably post on Absolution when it’s done. I’m totally giggly about it!

Should I mention that I paused in writing this entry for 3 hours? LOL.

Time to rap it up for the night (since it’s 3:30am). I’m going to be working on some other updates, both for fictions that haven’t gotten any love in a while. Hopefully, I’ll get one done really fast, but unless it’s super short, that won’t happen. (Think I’ll go for short…) I updated Fallen, but I don’t know if anyone really read it besides a handful. Whoever did want to follow it probably gave up on it. There’s only been 3 updates in over a year, but hey, that fic is hard to pen, so I put my concentration into the ones that weren’t eating my ass for dinner.

But big thanks to the few that did leave me a nice review and supported a story that is NOT The Neighbor. I don’t even want to touch that one for a while. If I do update it, I still won’t be posting it any time soon. I have other stories that were here longer and need my attention. I want to update them for the people that read them and not just pander to those that read psycho yasha. Therefore, if you’re only at Absolution to read The Neighbor, no need to drop by for a while. :)

In other news, my mom’s birthday is on Tuesday, so if I seem bitchy, that could be why. (But I’m still not changing my mind on anything I’ve said.) And on Valentine’s Day I’m going to have a lil minor announcement here, so stay tuned.

Aight, I’m ghost!

I didn’t get around to updating…

Tuesday, 2 November, 2010

Will you be my friend again if I share some pretty art? 😀

Seriously, I’m almost done with an update. I was a little busier this weekend than I thought I’d be, so writing had to take a tiny backseat. But I will say that the update will be fat -at least 8000 words, maybe 10,000, to make up for it. And it’s a story that most of you read, so it won’t be like you got totally jipped. xD

In the interim, I’ll share some pretties with you. I got some more art done for Kau, and while I’m not a Kouga fan at all, he looks pretty awesome in this pic. I also had custom art made for the fiction winner (first place) of ED’s Halloween contest depicting one of Grimm’s fairytales, Little Red Riding Hood.

Have a peek!

Cute, huh? I’ll also be hanging up about 5 or 6 new skins at Absolution in the next couple of weeks, courtesy of Neo and my wonderful artists, so you’ll be getting lots of eye candy while you read. I’m also starting a couple of new stories, but uber short ones, and all gifts. So, wait for it. 😀

New update and new skin in the next day or two. <3

I’m Made of Wax. What Are You Made Of?

Thursday, 28 October, 2010

Don’t blink, they won’t even miss you at all
And don’t think that I’ll always be gone
You know I’ve got you like a puppet in the palm of my hand
Don’t you let me down.

I heard that song on Sirius and loved it the moment that guy opened his mouth. And the title, “I’m Made of Wax, Larry. What Are You Made Of?“, was just the cherry on the fucking sundae! Totally love this shit.

Anyways, quickie update, complete with filthy, yaoi art. 😀

I decided to commission a pic for my Kau because she’s a big yaoi-head and really enjoys a seme InuYasha pounding into a uke Kouga (and any time Kouga gets ‘fucked’, literally, or figuratively, IG is a happy camper because I’m not a fan. >.>).

His grimace is priceless. Hurt much? LOL.

In other news, I’ve received all my personal IY commissions, so now it’s just a matter of Neo -the fabulous- finishing up the headers. I gave some input, but she comes up with some really cute stuff on her own, so I eagerly await her awesomeness. In the meantime, a new header will show up with my next update. It won’t be the art that I had made for that particular story, but seriously, do you really give a shit? As long as it’s some hot, new Yasha, I think you all will be just fine. 😀

Just looked at the latest poll. You guys should have actually voted because I was fully prepared to resurrect whatever got the popular vote, but that won’t be happening now. They’re dead. It’s done. Sorry.

And again, thanks to those that have left reviews at Abi and the ton of reviews that were left at I think it’s the most reviews I’ve ever gotten for a single chapter in a serial over there. (My audience was never at FFN.) I didn’t get to answer all the comments, but I will eventually. Just know that I read everything you guys send me. Everything.

My sleeping schedule is still off, so I’ve been awake all night. Bad habit I have and I can’t rid of it. I’ll sleep like a normal person for a while, then I revert back into a vampire. WTF? But the good news is that I’ve been writing while I can’t sleep, so a chapter will post this weekend for a fic that has always gotten a lot of love, but hasn’t been updated in ages. (I didn’t realize it’s been over a year until a reader reminded me. I feel awful for that because I personally love this fic!) But hopefully, you guys will welcome it back with happy words. :)

Aight, I’m out!