Beyond Redemption – InuYasha!

Category “InuYasha!”

And Moar!

Thursday, 10 June, 2010

On Tuesday I got another giftart -yay! This one is a vector chibi from Ayamegusa, and he’s soooo cute that I had to put him aside for a header on Absolution. *dances* I’m also about to order a new commission and a new plushie to commemorate The Neighbor (I swear, that one’s turning out to be a heavy favorite for me.) as well as my 5th year of writing fan-fiction.

Can you even believe that shit?

On June 16th, 2005, I wrote my first fanfic, “Realization of Love”. On June 16th, 2006, I opened Absolution. So, yeah, lots to celebrate. The goal is to do so with 3 new skins for Abi, possibly a new story, new commissioned art, and a new plushie. The latter two probably won’t be ready in time for the 16th, but the others definitely will. Huzzah.

I saw this on dA. The artist’s name is HitokiriSakura2012 and she is amazing.

Updates and Fucking Fanart!!

Tuesday, 8 June, 2010

Monday was a good day, a GREAT day. 😀

First off, it was Little Kikyou’s birthday and I celebrated it by getting her a new iPod Nano (the one with the camcorder), and a huge cake from her favorite bakery. For those not in the know, she’s the one I always mention that got me into IY. I call her Lil Kikyou because guess who’s her fave? >.> Anyway, she really enjoyed her gifts and that put me in a great mood. Next weekend I’ll probably take her to Coney Island. I’ve been promising Kau some goodies from there anyway, so I’ll kill two birds with one stone since I have a b-day gift pkge to send her.

The next best part of my day was logging into Deviant Art and getting not one, but two fanarts gifted to me. Made. My. Fucking. Day. The first was from the sweet, Kittygirl. She made some art for me once before of Jaden from Ever After. This time, it was a pic of Kagome from The Neighbor. Really cute stuff and totally dark with lots of “blood”. LOL. Have some peekage!

The next one really sent me into a squeeing frenzy. It was from my girl, T, a.k.a LonelyDusk. I don’t think this pic even requires a fucking intro…

Is that pretty or what? I think y’all know how much I love Human IY, so yeah, I think I screeched sufficiently. 😀 These babes seriously rock; they know how to cheer a Grrrl up big time!

I also got my commission back from Ayamegusa for “Love Like Winter“. To say it’s anything less than the fucking awesome would be a gross understatement. The image itself is massive, so I cut it down some. This is the copy I posted at my gallery with my automatic watermark, but I think you can still see how much detail she put into it. I gave her references for everything, even the ballroom, and she just tore it up. Fucking squee.

Yeah. Great fucking day, Monday was. 😀

As for updates, well, I’ve been doing some of a different nature. I know you guys will be like, WTF? I’m waiting on [insert fic] so hurry the fuck up!!! LMAO. I sowwwwwwwy!! I got the bug and couldn’t help myself! For the longest time I’ve been wanting to clean up my story, Amber. It’s the fic I wrote in 2005, all in one day, based on the movie “Somewhere in Time”. It’s my favorite movie of all time, and I’ve always felt awful about the way I wrote that story. I’ve grown as an author in many ways and I really want to make that story a better read. So, that’s what I’m doing.

Now, I’m not changing much of what was written. I was pretty inexperienced back then, and I want to keep that inexperience. I think an author’s work should show some growth between the very old and the very new. However, the grammar, sentence structure, and shit like that really needs overhaul. I’m also expanding some parts (like the lemon) and filling a few plot holes that I overlooked back then. I’m about to start on chapter 5 (that’s where I am at this point), but it shouldn’t take me too long since I did 4 chapters in 2 nights. I only have 11 real chaps in total, so yeah. Should be quick.

Why am I telling y’all this? Because that’s the hold up on why I haven’t updated anything else yet. Don’t fret, though. I have definite plans to update my current fics. I’m not as horribly busy as I thought I’d be. I’m finding that I can squeeze in a bit more time for writing, so that’s what I intend to do. 😀

I also have a new poll up, so vote! The last poll was interesting. Most of you (who actually voted) have been with me between 2 and 4 years -pretty cool. Though, there were a couple that signed on from way back when and I find that just O.O Speaking of, June 16th marks my 5th year of IY fandom/writing. Holy Fucking Shit. That’s kind of nuts. Who’d have thought I’d still be into IY all this time later? With all that has happened to me, and around me, since I got here, that’s a pretty fucking huge accomplishment. Party time! 😛

Aight, I’m ghost! Enjoy the week!

Cliches and Other Chatter…

Thursday, 15 April, 2010

The things we laid do not amount to much
Made up of thought balloons and cotton swabs
When present tense gets strangled in the woes
Made of our future foe scenarios

This revolution, baby
Proves who you work for, maybe
Who do you work for, baby?
And does it work for you lately?

-Future Foe Scenarios

I can listen to that song all day -and I have. The band is called Silversun Pickups (Yeah, I know >.>), but the music is stellar. I have them playing on Absolution, so give them a shot. The lyrics to this song, especially, says a lot to me about people I know. I love when a song can do that, put shit in fucking perspective, and this one does it for me. The title alone is wow.

Anyway, short entry. I had a blast at the Coheed signing/acoustic show and Claudio’s voice is just fantastic. Totally love that guy, but I’m also growing a huge appreciation for Travis as well. He’s a real sweetheart. I’m stoked for the concert in May; I hope they come back at the end of the tour like they’ve done in the past. I’d so be there.

I got more chibis! The ones for ED I’m not posting. They’ll show up for the summer skin in June. But I did have my “signature” art redone chibi-style and it put such a huge grin on my face. I made this pink background for my deviant art ID, and of course I watermarked, but you’ll be able to see it well enough. :)

I also got Kau a chibi art that I knew she’d go apeshit for. She has a thing for Kouga/Rin (go fig!), so when you see that pairing in my fics, it’s for her. <.< always. But anyway, I'll give you a peek at her art. It's a wedding piece. 😀

I gave myself a nasty cold on Tuesday, so I’m under the weather. I’ll be indoors, having not accepted any work this weekend for that reason (I hate spreading germs), so I’ll be trying not to get worse and get some writing done for the next few days. I’m really hoping to finish The Neighbor, but I’m not going to push it if it doesn’t cooperate.

And in a WTF? moment, I bought a new mouse cause the old one was old and acting up. Well, this one is super responsive and it’s making me crazy because every little touch has me clicking the wrong thing. Can’t win for fucking losing!

EDIT: Chibi Hikari is on my gallery. He looks so damned cute! Once again, Neo rulez.

Here’s my blood, ’cause you will accept no other.

Sunday, 11 April, 2010

What a fucking week. So work is kicking up a lot -happens every summer- and today I did a 24 hr all nighter. The plan was to have off, but then I got a begging call to fill in and I went. Only high point is that there was a comp for me to play with. By the time I reached home I was just dead on my feet. I woke up at 11pm and shit. Ungh. But my sleep patterns were already shitty (aren’t they always?), so there ya have it.

I think I made a few shit lists this month, too. But the way I feel right now? I don’t even care. I’m tired. Either love me, or leave me alone.

The anniversary of my Gram’s death is upon me, so I’m shittier, but fighting it. I did good with mom’s b-day this year and I’m determined to deal with this the same way. However, I do have a “so-fucking-what” attitude right now. *shrugs*

The writing is coming slowly. I’ve given up on The Neighbor for the moment because I’m viciously blocked and the more I work on it (and hate it), the more I start to hate the whole fic (Yeah. Temperamental writer.) So before it goes there, I’ll put it down and take a breather. There is a patch of good news with that fic, though. I commissioned art for it, so that oughta rock out loud. Maybe it will inspire another string of updates. I hate to disappoint, especially since people were actually reviewing for a change, but I can’t give what I don’t have. However, I did see my poll numbers. *dirty grin* I’ll take those results into serious account when I write the next few chapters, but remember, no crying when you asked for it! xD

I started working on the next chapter of The Knife of Romance. Someone reviewed it the other day and reminded me that it’s been a while (Thanks for that, if you read this journal. I need those taps on the shoulder or time will run away from me.). In fact, it’s been exactly one year and makes me wonder where the time went. It doesn’t feel like that long passed. I hate that I’m not more prompt with updates, but again, can’t give what I don’t have.

Another bright spot is that I ordered those vector chibis and Ayamegusa delivered like a day later (no lie). She’s da bomb. I did them based on existing commissioned fanart I have, so they’re extra kawaii.

This is Biker Boi Yasha

Isn’t he fucking cute? I squeed myself into a headache, but the one she did for Hikari Yasha is immaculate.

Yes, tiny images watermarked to the tenth for obvious reasons. I also put up Neo’s version of InuYasha Emmanuel at Absolution (Crimson Angel). It’s fucking awesome, I’ll say that. She also made cute headers for my chibi. One is on my gallery, the other will be on the gallery soon -maybe Abi as well because it’s so pretty. The mini version doesn’t do the angel one justice, honestly. The full size is 5000×4500 and it’s amazing. I plan on ordering more in the very near future. 😀

And Neo, words can’t describe her awesome. She made me some seriously gorgeous headers in the last few months and she just designed the new banner for ED’s Hall of Fame. Fucking wow. It’s so cute and original. I fucking love that girl! (^_^)b

In other news, the ED Deviant Art group is doing well. I didn’t expect many to join, so it’s surprising that it has nearly 70 members and has only been open a week. I never expect people to get involved with anything that has my name on it (If you’ve been with me a while, you already know why). But hey, it’s about time that people in this fandom start maturing and realize that a group, site, whatever isn’t about the owner, but the purpose. With the way the s/k crowd tries to force-feed us that shit on the daily, you’d think more people would support anything I/K just to drown that mess out. Then again, RT legitimizes our pairing, so yeah. Good luck with that. lol.

Same with Inu/Sango (can we say, ew?) I don’t know what that’s about, but ungh. One of my lovelies asked me to write one a long time ago. I intend to do it before I retire, but that isn’t my thing at all just like the s/k fic I did. I respect the former more than the latter, but still. I can do anything as a gift, but I’d never pen that for my own enjoyment. Not. Ever. And a Kik/Inu fic for anyone or any reason is a negative.

Pairing brat much?
Yes. Yes I am. Deal with it.


My saving fucking grace! I’ve been overdosing on Year of the Black Rainbow (even more than when I got it a few weeks ago) and it’s cause the official release date is Tuesday. I’ll prolly buy it at midnight on Monday because I think you may need a purchase for Tuesday. My boys are doing a signing in Manhattan; I’ll try to be there since there’s to be an acoustic performance. SQUEEE. I look forward to hearing the crowd participation and getting my CD signed. I saw them for the “No World For Tomorrow” signing and it was awesome (I got free concert tix!). They’re all really nice, too. I just wish my Claudio plushie would be ready in time so I could show it to him. I already love that doll. xD

One of the demo songs you can only get on the Deluxe Edition is “The Lost Shepherd” and holy fucking cow, it’s so good. (Song 2 on the playlist). Coheed isn’t for everyone, so you may not like it, but I love it. Totally inspires me to write.

“Here’s my blood, ’cause you will accept no other.”

GAH. Awesome, awesome shit. Sometimes CoCa is the only thing that makes me smile on a given day.

My allergies and vertigo are back. I had to go buy a $26 bottle of zyrtec so the room would stop spinning. If you don’t remember from last summer, I have those “developed as an adult” allergies that fuck up my eyes and ears. When my ears get fucked up, I get vertigo (that’s a fancy name for “The fucking house is upside down. Make it stop!”). Example? I’ll be sitting at the computer and if I, say, start shaking my leg, the entire room starts shifting and moving like I’m on a boat. It’s much worse than “not fun”, but drugs do help.

I finally watched “Orphan”, and while I won’t do a full movie review, I’ll say that it was pretty good. The punchline is o_O but I didn’t expect it and they get kudos for that. And the one that plays the son plays Young Kirk in the new Star Trek, so that was cute. The mother was in this wild movie called “Running Scared” and worth seeing just for the insanity of it. There’s this one part with pedophiles that just FREAKS YOU OUT (one of them was Juliette from Lost). I dunno, may have to “goodie” that one up. 0.~

Anyway, I wanted to do an update since I had some time. I cleaned up my LJ and put a new layout up. I won’t be a fixture, but I’ll peek in every once in a while and I’ll be dealing with comm stuff through it. My arms are bugging me more, and I have a gang of shit coming up from the last week of May on (including a Coheed concert! Squee!) so it will be busy (and ache-y), but I’m going to make time to write and get some short updates going.

Have a ‘nut bustin’ weekend! ^_^

EDIT: I just made sugar cookies (at 5am >.>) and poured a glass of ice-milk.


EDIT II: I watched a movie called Dread last night (Clive Barker) and it was decent, as horror movies go. The ending, well, I won’t spoil it. But there’s this really annoying trend in movies now… Anyway, the point is they had some cool music in it. I did some research and there doesn’t seem to be a soundtrack. GRRR. So I’m running down songs. But one I found, “Ghouls” by We Are Scientists is pretty damn good. Different but so different that it’s actually really good. 😛 Anyway -G page! (Am, go check it out. I think you’ll like it!)

…And I Was Born For Her.

Monday, 29 March, 2010


If you haven’t seen the final episode of InuYasha, I advise that you watch it RIGHT NOW. Yes, people, we finally got what we fucking wanted. Would you like a little visual proof?!


I’m so happy I’m dancing a fucking JIG while I type this. Vindication, it’s sweet as FUCK. I’m in such a good mood I’m fucking beside myself, lol.

I LOVE INUYASHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes, he has said it loud and proud. He was born for KAGOME. Fucking VINDICATION.


Saturday, 28 November, 2009

I need to vent and I don’t give a shit who feels what about it. I have a fucking gripe, so fuck that. (-_-)

I’ve been catching the new episodes of InuYasha, and I have to say, if they were looking for me to be more compassionate toward the Kikyou-fucking-SAGA that has been going on all this time, I’m not. If anything, my mellowness toward her is all but gone. I mean, yeah. In the beginning, I made her a villain just like most Inu/Kags fans did because, fuck it, we hate her ass. However, I have since mellowed in a big way and have even made her a good guy in several stories. So, in essence, I have learned to tolerate her.

Yeah, well, I’m pissed off now. It was bad enough that we had to sit through that dragging manga for over a decade, watching, with increasing agitation, as RT fawned all over Kikyou and shit all over Kagome. (Yes, I said it. ) But to see that shit played out live and in color really pissed me -the fuck- off.

Last week, we got to see InuYasha bitch up, BAWL over her -and KISS her- when she finally, FINALLY ate dirt. This week, we get to see him depressed and ridiculous. Next week, we get to see the “blood tears” episode (a manga chap I would BURN if I could) and I’m just sickened.

They are splicing manga chaps left and right to make it all fit into what we assume will be 26 episodes, but isn’t it funny that none of the Kikyou-related shit is being cut out? Naw, we get to sit through ALL of that, and why? Because she is clearly the creator’s favorite.

Am I the only one who feels fucking cheated?

I don’t give a RAT’S ASS about the fact that InuYasha and Kagome ended up together in the end, not when she is clearly (and thank you, Selina!) a consolation prize. Yes, she IS. Who really fucking believes Kagome would be his first choice if Kikyou had lived? Come on…

RT has made it abundantly, ridiculously, disturbingly clear that InuYasha is, and will always be, stuck on Kikyou, and as someone that has invested time and money into this shit for YEARS, I feel completely fucking hoodwinked.

If it was all about Kikyou, why not make this a Inu/Kik manga from the start and stop jerking us around with the 3-way bullshit? We got NO kiss, at all, EVER. We got NO confession of love. We got NO wedding.


That’s bullshit, and sadly, I can see why some people do Kagome/Sesshomaru stories. Some people just can’t forgive InuYasha for all that he did to her, and if I didn’t love that hanyou bastard so much, I’d join them. But really, we know who’s to blame in this. His creator, who people seem to endlessly praise as if her drawing hands are attached to God’s wrists. ::hard eyeroll::

Is InuYasha a stroke of brilliance? Absolutely.

Is she talented and awesome? Without question.

Did she do right by the Inu/Kags sect? Hell no, and I don’t care who doesn’t agree with me.

I’ve been sealing up this rant for AGES, but after seeing that preview, I couldn’t hold it in another minute. RT makes me HATE InuYasha at times, and I fucking despise that about her.

So, it comes down to this: Will they take a few liberties with the anime and give us something that will properly validate the Inu/Kags relationship, or will we get that same fucking slop we got in the manga? I’m leaning toward the latter. Shit, if it wasn’t for the movies, which, from what I understand, aren’t really in her hands, we would have NEVER seen a kiss between them and that’s fucking sad.

If we don’t get something decent, I’m not going to be buying any new merchandise for myself. Fuck that. Why should I financially support this millionaire when I can’t even get a kiss between my favorite pairing? Naw, let the other suckers continue to fill her pockets.

EDIT: I feel so much better now that I’ve finally vented, lol. I think being hungry (I hadn’t eaten all day) contributed a lot to my snarkiness, but I still mean what I said. We need proper validation or I’m just totally writing that manga off. Yes, it IS complete, but what makes something legendary? The fact that no matter how old it may be, it is still appreciated and revered. I’d like to feel that way about InuYasha, but at present, I really can’t.

The Coolest Fucking Gift Ever!

Saturday, 31 October, 2009

Okay, so I should be trying to sleep, but I had to come in here and post this because it’s too fucking cool to be believed! Lily (You know her as Sayuriko) wanted to cheer me up and spent her time (prolly ages!) carving a pumpkin for me. It blew my head and you may not be far behind. CHECK IT!!!

A gift from my Lily: Absolution InuYasha!

A gift from my Lily: Absolution InuYasha!

Lit up and purdeeeee!

Lit up and purdeeeee!

Fucking SQUEE!!

Fucking SQUEE!!

Come on… is that not one of the coolest things you’ve ever seen?! Can you even imagine the work and patience??? >.< It brought a smile that made my jaws hurt and misty eyes! How totally, TOTALLY awesome. He's even got his "IG" tattoo! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you, again, Lily. <3333333 I LOVE IT!!!!!! (And you! *hugs*)

InuYasha: The Final Act

Saturday, 3 October, 2009

For all of you that have/had a hard time getting into Hulu, I’m embedding the video.
To shut off the music, use the controls on the lower right side.

Welcome back, baby. How we’ve missed you!
(And the subtitles are present!)

InuYasha. Finally.

Friday, 2 October, 2009

Well, the day we’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived. InuYasha: The Final Act will premiere in Japan and the US (via internet) tomorrow, and I must say that I’m pretty stoked. Why? Because I want to see my baby again, that’s why! I don’t look forward to some things -like that kiss with Kikyou or Kagura’s death- but if we’re lucky, maybe the Viz people will take some liberties and give us that Inu/Kags reunion kiss, or at least a love confession.

Come on -they owe us that much!

But even if we don’t get that, it will be cool just to see Yasha and the crew again, ne? I also hear there will be just 26 episodes, and many are wigging over it. I’m not. Honestly, I don’t want to see all the filler she had in the manga; it’s unnecessary. Show us the most important things and let that be that. And no, that doesn’t make me any less of a diehard fan.

Anyway, this is where they’ll be showing the episode tomorrow: Watch Yasha Here!

And here is the official trailer with subtitles:

