Hey Y’all! 😀
I know it’s been a while, but I’m going to be super honest and say that my holiday fucking SUCKED ASS, and rather than be a party pooper, spoiling it for everyone else, I chose to just lay very low until I was over it. I’m not completely there yet, but I’m better by leaps and bounds in comparison to a few days ago. That said, I hope everyone had an awesome xmas, spent time with family and friends, and did lots of fun shit on your days/time off!
As for me, again, sucky holiday and my carpal is still giving me shit, but I’m otherwise okay. However, it wasn’t a complete horror fest. I got some great e-cards and two really, really special gifts. Remember the post office fiasco? Well, it all ended well. I was able to get both dolls, and what dolls they were! The gifters were Nikkie and Selina, and boy, did my girls go all out!
Selina had Notoes make a replica of Prince InuYasha from “Love Like Winter” and he is just TOO CUTE! He’s dressed up in that Victorian way, and he’s even wearing a stock tie! I squee’d something awful when I saw it and I’ve barely been able to put him down! Have a lookie!
And Nikkie… OMG!!! She had Dom InuYasha made for me from her giftfic “On Your Knees Bitch” and he’s wearing Yankee stuff! LOL. >.> He’s also wearing a shiny blue “muscle” shirt, leather pants, and is anatomically correct!! (GO NIKKIE!) His jacket has my name on the back, and he’s wearing a necklace that says “IG” and he’s absolutely awesome! Look it!
I’ve worked some on my last chappie of “All the Things You Never Say“, but I admit that my mind wants to give me a hard time. Probably because it’s a final chapter, and for some fucked up reason, my brain likes to shut off by the time I reach the end of a fiction. It’s a sucktackular curse that I’m trying to break. In the meantime, though, I’ve come up with a few plots for oneshots and chapters of current fics. However, I’m trying not to go there until I finish this fic. If I do, there’s a good chance I’ll push this ending even farther out of my head. *grumble*
In “goodie” world, I removed stuff and added a bit, but more will come, so stay tuned. ^_^ I’ve also been on a real movie kick. Since I’ve been antisocial while I get over my shit, I’ve been watching 2 a night, so here are a few movie reviews for fun!
Hatchet: Danga recommended this one, and like one of the last ones he pointed me to, it starts off slow. It takes place in New Orleans during a mardi gras -a group of friends drag their newly-broken up friend there to ease his mind. The group quickly boils down to two, and they end up taking a nighttime boat tour of the swamp where an old urban legend proves to have legs.
The end result: A very gory movie with a lot of gross outs, so if that’s not your thing, proceed with caution. However, the sidekick (Bud from “The Cosby Show”) is absolutely hilarious and the movie would be dead without him. Out of a possible 5 Yashas, I give this 2.5.
Paranormal Activity: I’m going to be completely honest. I want that 90 minutes of my life back. This is like watching “The Blair Witch Lite” and if you saw how UNscary that movie was, then get ready for even less here. It’s like a play, since you there are only 4 characters in the entire movie, and by the end, you just want to punch someone because you feel jipped. The premise is that a young couple are having spooky shit going on in their home, and over a period of about 20 days, or so, they are video taping everything that goes on while they’re asleep and start seeing bugged out shit that they can’t explain. Oh, and Paramount tries to get you scared right away by thanking the main characters’ parents and the Police Department from their town. Don’t believe the hype; it’s not a true story.
The end result: I will come to your house and BEAT you if you ever pay money for this. Out of a possible 5 Yashas, I give this 2.
The Ginger Snaps Trilogy: Okay, again, I will be honest. The first one was pretty decent, if you like what they call “Cult Classics”. The story is about 2 weirdo sisters that are obsessed with death and odd shit, and at the same time, some “monster” has been killing neighborhood dogs. They’re outcasts at school, so on and so forth, and one night, while out attempting to pull a prank on a shitty rival from school, Ginger gets attacked. On the first day of her period. (Yeah, that works into the story later) From there, we watch her transform from a weirdo wallflower to this vixen while her younger sister, Bridget, tries to figure out a way to cure her. Again, it’s a decent flick. Not great, just decent.
Ginger Snaps – Unleashed: This one follows what happens to Bridget, pretty much picking up where the first leaves off. I won’t get in depth since you should probably see the first movie before that. But I will say that it has plot holes galore and unanswered questions that make you ask why they bothered. There is also an “oh shit” moment involving a little girl she befriends.
Ginger Snaps Back: This one takes you back in time to the beginning of the werewolf business (we’re talking 1800’s or something), however, the story still revolves around Ginger and Bridget. Again, plot holes and shit that don’t really make tons of sense, but it has certain entertaining qualities.
The end result: It’s an okay trilogy. Each movie has funny moments, and while there’s this feminist, pseudo-lesbian undertone thing going on, it doesn’t make the movies unwatchable. Oh, and the first one has an abundance of blood -more than any movie should ever need. Ever. Out of a possible 5 Yashas, I give this 3 (for all of them together).
Final Destination 4: Eh… it’s the same old formula, just shittier. This one begins at a nascar-type race track where some guy gets the premonition (you know the one) and gets his friends out before car tires start taking people’s heads off. Literally. And, of course, they cheated death so now they’re being stalked by the reaper and being offed in the order that they should have bit it. Like I said, same formula, just shittier.
The end result: FD should have stopped with the first one. It was really great and really creative. I saw it in a cinema and left really satisfied. Everything since then has been a waste of time, and this one with its CSI ending (you’ll know what I mean when you see it) just annoyed me more than anything. Out of a possible 5 Yashas, I give this 1.5.
Friday the 13th: It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good. If you’re familiar with the events surrounding Camp Crystal Lake, you’ll see straightaway that this isn’t a true remake; the events from the beginning are all wrong. There are no attempts to get creative with the killings; it’s a straight up slasher flick, complete with a drawn out scene that make you cringe -only you don’t know if it’s the violence or the fact that this shit is just bad. The premise is that a group of twenty-somethings go on a hunt for illegally grown narcotics and meet up with a big burly guy called Jason. Then, 6 months later, one of the victims’ brother goes in search of her and ends up encountering another bunch of clueless twenty-somethings and asshattery ensues.
There is one moment, though, when Jason puts on his mask and you get this feeling of “Hell Yeah“, but then you ask yourself why you’re rooting for the killer, and then you remember that it’s because every character is a douche except 3. Oh, and there’s like, no plot, unless you count the fact that one of the victims looks like his mother. Is that the plot? Seriously, I’m asking!
The end result: Only for free. Out of a possible 5 Yashas, I give this 2.5.
Drag Me to Hell: As Danga would say, this is a perfectly acceptable horror movie with enough gross outs to satisfy the glutton for punishment in you. The premise is that a mousy loan officer who wants to get a promotion at work turns away an old woman she could have helped (her house was foreclosing), but instead, she gives her the shaft and the hag gives her a curse. It also opens with a little bang to get you going, but it’s not what you’d call classic horror. This is more about black magic, the occult, and so on.
The end result: It’s a very watchable movie, and again a decent amount of gross outs to get your eyebrow to rise. The music throughout are these eerie violin pieces, and the ending surprised me a little. Out of a possible 5 Yashas, I give this 3.5.
And that concludes the reviews. I’ll post more as I watch them!
And one more thing before I go. Just how awesome are some people? I went to Deviant Art at 5am yesterday, and what do I see? This!
Ayamegusa rawks!
Wasn’t that sweet? ED turns 3 years old on Friday and I thought that was a really thoughtful gesture and I certainly appreciate it. That’s what it’s all about, ya know? I love that some people truly enjoy Eternal Destiny and made it their home, and while I know that some will always stay away because I own it, they really can go suck it. lol. Anyone who thinks themselves to good to post there definitely isn’t missed, and if anything, it makes for less asshattery from self-proclaimed queens. 😀
The new skin is already ready and the raffle and contest winners will be announced on anniversary day, so it’s all good. *holds up champagne flute* Here’s to another year of fun with InuYasha & Kagome! ^_^
Okay, I need sleep. I’ve been up all night >.> watching movies and I have to close my eyes.
Happy Tuesday, everyone!