Beyond Redemption – Kau!

Category “Kau!”

Come Hump Me!

Wednesday, 10 August, 2011

Happy Hump Day, Y’all! xD

I’m in a good fucking mood! I finished Kau’s torturous 16 drabbles last night >.> and I’m working on a new oneshot. I should be getting my slightly revised fanart soon, too, then I will immediately start on the new skin.

I’ve also reopened my LiveJournal. One of my mods, E, chewed on my arm a little and I gave in. I’m a damn pushover! So, if any of y’all use LJ, feel free to friend me (though, I require a lil heads up before I let you in. Too may dipshits in this fandom to have an open blog there, so it’s Friends Only).

That’s really it for now. I’m going to attempt some writing, though I vowed I was going to take the day off from that after all them damn drabbles, but…. we’ll see. And thanks again for the review luv. It was nice to have support, regardless of what it is that I’m writing. ^______^

But I’m a little ticked that my music player isn’t working at my site. Damn it, I like having it play for me in the background! And I watched the original “Wrong Turn” again to celebrate my KR victory -it’s still so good!

Inu-Verse: The Alternate Universe

Monday, 14 February, 2011

Happy Heart Day, Y’all. 😀

In my last post, I mentioned a minor announcement and here it is:

Some of you may know, or you may not, but I created a new InuYasha fiction site about 2 weeks ago. I wanted to do something for Valentine’s Day, so I decided to take on a suggestion my kid brother gave me about 2 years ago. An archive specifically for the alternate universe genre.

Unlike Eternal Destiny, this site is not pairing specific. Any pairing is allowed (even the ones I hate! lol) so long as the story takes place in the alternate universe. Yup, that mean NO CANON WHATSOEVER. The only exception to that rule is if the story needs to begin in the canon universe in order to carry into the alternate universe. However, we’re only allowing a certain amount of chapters inw hich this needs to happen, or we’ll remove the fiction.

As an AU Grrrl myself, I definitely like the idea of a place that only caters to that genre because, in my opinion, it doesn’t get enough love, so why not make a little house of worship? 😛 Thus far, it’s been available by invitation only (just to test it out and get a feel for the atmosphere), but now that V-Day has arrived, I figured I’d say something about it here. Feel free to join and post, or join and read, or just stare at with your nose is pressed up against the glass. Whatever suits ya!


And…. that’s about it. My mom’s birthday is tomorrow, so I just don’t know what kind of mood I’ll be in. But for now, everything’s breezy. 😀

Oh, (and this is a maybe), I might be posting the little giftie Kau made for me at Absolution (or my gallery) later today. Not sure yet, but it will be awfully cute. lol.

Ciao bellas!

EDIT: Kau’s gift has been uploaded to my gallery. Squee!

Well, I Haz back at it!

Thursday, 3 February, 2011

So, I took a short hiatus to work on a new project. Some of you know about it, some don’t (but you will, eventually). It had been a passing thought ever since my kid brother, Danga, suggested it to me. Only this time, I actually made a thought a reality. And it wasn’t without headaches, I’ll tell ya that much. But things seem to be in order and we’re testing the waters. If it goes the way it should, you’ll get some kind of announcement soon enough.

As for the writing, well, because of those aforementioned “headaches”, I didn’t get anything done. The hope is that this weekend that status will change. I’m feeling a bit blocky, I admit, but I’m going to try to give y’all something. To be honest, I want to update Pas De Deux and Age of Innocence for Jessie, and it’s annoying me that both are being a pain in my arse. It’s really important to me that I get those completed as soon as I can. That means, I don’t know when The Neighbor will be updated. Could be over the weekend, could be 2 weeks from now. I don’t know, but I have to be honest and say that it’s not a priority. The two I mentioned are, so if I can write them first, I’m going to. Sorry if that disappoints those that really only seem to be interested in Neighbor. It’s just not high on my list of musts right now.

That said, I do want to thank all of the people that have popped in to review that story. It kinda makes me laugh. I see all these new faces that never review me any other time, but they’ll review that one, if only to make it get updated faster. *chuckles* Thanks for that…

Anyway, I’m working on another new skin (I have 2 others you guys haven’t seen yet. But whenever I do update The Neighbor, you’ll see one of them. I actually did that header myself. Yay for me.), and Neo once again proved that she can take any concept I toss at her and bring it to life. She’s seriously gifted. SERIOUSLY. Since this one is for a completed fiction, I won’t make y’all wait to see it. I’ll post it whenever I finish my next update.

That’s really about it for now. Just wanted to pop in and bring y’all up to speed. I’ll be trying to get some updates going this weekend, so pop in at the site every now and again, or join my mailinglist and you’ll get a notice.

And last, but not least, Kau strikes again! 😀

She got me more b-day goooodies! Aside from the Vampire Knight stuff, she got me a GANG of cajun yummies to make here at home, including red beans and rice (my fave), gumbo, and cobbler (got the box today). Plus cake, cappuccino, imported Japanese candy and other NOM NOMS. She da shyt!

Look at the Zero plushie -what a cutie!

Okay, I’m out! But first, a little VK fanart…

I didn’t get around to updating…

Tuesday, 2 November, 2010

Will you be my friend again if I share some pretty art? 😀

Seriously, I’m almost done with an update. I was a little busier this weekend than I thought I’d be, so writing had to take a tiny backseat. But I will say that the update will be fat -at least 8000 words, maybe 10,000, to make up for it. And it’s a story that most of you read, so it won’t be like you got totally jipped. xD

In the interim, I’ll share some pretties with you. I got some more art done for Kau, and while I’m not a Kouga fan at all, he looks pretty awesome in this pic. I also had custom art made for the fiction winner (first place) of ED’s Halloween contest depicting one of Grimm’s fairytales, Little Red Riding Hood.

Have a peek!

Cute, huh? I’ll also be hanging up about 5 or 6 new skins at Absolution in the next couple of weeks, courtesy of Neo and my wonderful artists, so you’ll be getting lots of eye candy while you read. I’m also starting a couple of new stories, but uber short ones, and all gifts. So, wait for it. 😀

New update and new skin in the next day or two. <3

Some Severances.

Tuesday, 3 August, 2010

So, I said I’d be writing and I haven’t. I’ve had some shady personal shit going on, plus I’ve been consuming manga like a mad chick, so I just haven’t been writing when I said I would. Sorry. The plan is to start rectifying that today, but I don’t know when I’ll actually post. In other words, I don’t know how long this is gonna take. I have the list ready of fics that won’t be finished, so when you start seeing PERMANENT HIATUS in summaries, you’ll know which ones they are. To those people that may feel jipped by that, apologies. I never intend to start something and walk away, but sometimes the heart just dies, and when that happens, nothing good will come from continuing…

Anyway, I hope you stick around for the ones that will get an ending, and huge thank yous to the people that have left reviews, e-mails, and notes thru Absolution & lately expressing how much you enjoy the stories and want updates. If you only knew how you guys are the only thing motivating me to finish the fics that aren’t being cut. lol. I may not be posting to anymore, though. If/when that happens, I will leave a/ns letting readers there know if the story will be continued at Absolution.

Onto another severance. I deaded my facebook account (the acct is still there due to Eternal Destiny’s page, which is connected. But otherwise, that account is no more.) and deleted my twitter account. My instant messenger under InuGrrrl is also dead, as is the e-mail address attached to it. Goodie page is also dead (Am and Kimmy, you’ll always have the hook up. LOL.)

In brighter news, I met a new artist who does cute manga style art. I wanted to try him out (I always love having new artists to commission) and asked him to make a chibi patterned after me. She is adorable. I totally love her because she’s just a simple little picture of cuteness. I’ve since passed her onto Neo for her magic touch and can’t wait to see what she does with her. In the meantime, tho, I’m planning my next chibi project for him. Probably something with Yasha since he and I will still be together a while longer.

This week is also Kau’s birfday! 😀 (Not that it would matter to y’all. lol.) But she’s my sister and has been there with me no matter what it is, no matter when or where. She cannot, and would not, ever be replaced, and since she’s been bugging me for the longest about a certain pairing, I’m going to do it for her. I don’t think it’s going up on Absolution *hides from her* but I’m really going to try to do a little oneshot or drabble for her. I have no idea about what -I may just let her choose the plot- but I’m gonna do it now before it never happens. Annnnnd she makes these cake balls. Hard to explain, but they’re like cake lollipops (google it) and she’s sending me a box of them tomorrow in almond and pistachio. *Faints from the suga rush*

Now that you’re caught up, I’m out.

EDIT: My doll for The Neighbor is finally finished and he’s awesome. My nee-chan drew the face for me and Notoes did ‘what she do’ and he looks great. I waited ages for him, so I’m really happy with the result. Pics will be in the gallery shortly. Yay!

Hump Day Stuffus!

Wednesday, 21 April, 2010

Semi-productive week. I did a little writing, but nothing is ready for posting yet. Something will (hopefully) get put on Absolution soon. I was vegging a bit yesterday. I watch the show 24 and had been recording it for about 7 episodes, so I watched them all in one sitting. OMG. Such a great, great show. I absolutely love Jack Bauer, and the fact that Keifer Sutherland is really Canadian just makes me giggle because he’s so hardcore American in that show. But yeah, excellent TV stuffs, and two events this season brought me to tears, so definitely a show to watch if you don’t. It’s really well-written.

I also watched LOST, and I have to say, for there to be just a few episodes left, I don’t feel like much of anything is being solved. In other words, it’s looking like the last episode of The Sopranos, and if you saw that awful shit, then you know the kind of disappointment I’m setting up for. >.> I hope I’m wrong.

I got my art back for The Neighbor, and FUCK ME, Maria really worked it out, lol. He looks good enough to lick. Repeatedly. She just never disappoints; she captured what I wanted perfectly. I’m hoping to have one of Neo’s sweet headers up soon. And speaking of art, I ordered a chibi for Onna (Inuyashaloverr) and it’s so fucking cute. Okay, I asked Ayamegusa to do a chibi version of this pic:

And look what she came up with!

I thought that was the cutest shit eva! I love her chibis; so kawaii and unique! And yes, he’s pole dancing! 😀

So yeah, not a lot going on. I caught up with some dear friends, been reading contest entries at ED, and other ED-related stuff. Typical week, I guess. 😛

Oh, and here’s another reason why Kau is da shyt! Look what she’s mailed me!

She ordered a whole crop of kit kats from Japan and is sending me a ton. Squee! I’m still miffed about the fact that they get all the cool flavors and all we get is chocolate, though. >.>

Hope everyone is well. I haven’t chatted with some of y’all in a while and I hope you’re doing okay. I know it’s crunch time with a lot of y’all for school. GOOD LUCK! I hope finals and stuff are everything you want them to be. :)

Okay, I’m gonna hit the hay -it’s like, 3am. >.<

Cliches and Other Chatter…

Thursday, 15 April, 2010

The things we laid do not amount to much
Made up of thought balloons and cotton swabs
When present tense gets strangled in the woes
Made of our future foe scenarios

This revolution, baby
Proves who you work for, maybe
Who do you work for, baby?
And does it work for you lately?

-Future Foe Scenarios

I can listen to that song all day -and I have. The band is called Silversun Pickups (Yeah, I know >.>), but the music is stellar. I have them playing on Absolution, so give them a shot. The lyrics to this song, especially, says a lot to me about people I know. I love when a song can do that, put shit in fucking perspective, and this one does it for me. The title alone is wow.

Anyway, short entry. I had a blast at the Coheed signing/acoustic show and Claudio’s voice is just fantastic. Totally love that guy, but I’m also growing a huge appreciation for Travis as well. He’s a real sweetheart. I’m stoked for the concert in May; I hope they come back at the end of the tour like they’ve done in the past. I’d so be there.

I got more chibis! The ones for ED I’m not posting. They’ll show up for the summer skin in June. But I did have my “signature” art redone chibi-style and it put such a huge grin on my face. I made this pink background for my deviant art ID, and of course I watermarked, but you’ll be able to see it well enough. :)

I also got Kau a chibi art that I knew she’d go apeshit for. She has a thing for Kouga/Rin (go fig!), so when you see that pairing in my fics, it’s for her. <.< always. But anyway, I'll give you a peek at her art. It's a wedding piece. 😀

I gave myself a nasty cold on Tuesday, so I’m under the weather. I’ll be indoors, having not accepted any work this weekend for that reason (I hate spreading germs), so I’ll be trying not to get worse and get some writing done for the next few days. I’m really hoping to finish The Neighbor, but I’m not going to push it if it doesn’t cooperate.

And in a WTF? moment, I bought a new mouse cause the old one was old and acting up. Well, this one is super responsive and it’s making me crazy because every little touch has me clicking the wrong thing. Can’t win for fucking losing!

EDIT: Chibi Hikari is on my gallery. He looks so damned cute! Once again, Neo rulez.


Tuesday, 30 March, 2010

I’m gonna get in here to reply to everyone later tonight -I gotta run to Kinko’s because my printer is being cunty, but WOO HOO! Kau got me ANOTHER ticket to see Coheed & Cambria.


Did I say that I loved Kau? Oh yes -the fuck- I do!!!!!!!!!!

This week is coming up fucking ROSES and it’s only Tuesday!

(Trust me, if you knew how shitty things have been for me lately you’d know why I’m besides myself.)
First I get my feudal kiss, and now I get to see CoCa at both shows.


Best Band Ever.

I Haz Package, The Mars Volta, & WTF?!

Tuesday, 23 February, 2010

I finally got my package! Kau rawks. She sent me all of my favorite candies and sweets from Louisiana (There are these chocolate pies they make down there. They’re fucking sick!) and she made me this gigantic almond log that’s so sweet it gave me a headache (salivates), and MJ’s This Is It pkge (2 dics DVD, 2 disc CD set, and commemorative book), The Rolling Stone MJ edition magazine, and a bunch of other stuff. SQUEE! kau is da shiznit! 😀

Now, onto The Mars Volta. Have you guys heard of them? I discovered them before Coheed & Cambria (But only by a few months). I bought their CD, De-Loused in the Comatorium, because I instantly fell in love with the songs, Son Et Lumiere, which immediately goes into Inertiatic ESP-they go together (I used that song in Suicide Rain, too.). They’re somewhat like COCA in the fact that both bands have Hispanic singers with high-pitched voices and the music is very “off the beaten path”.

When I bought my cuzzie an iPod at the Apple store, the clerk commented on my Coheed shirt, telling me that he liked them and Mars Volta and how the fans of both groups tend to not get along. Apparently, there’s a case of “You’re trying to be like us.” on both sides. I had never heard about that myself, but I think there’s room for both. For me, COCA rules all, period. But I like MV, too, and you guys (eyes Am!) should give them a listen! I’m preparing a lil’ sumthin’ sumthin’ for the G-page to make that happen, cause, you know, I gotta share. 😀

I haven’t heard all of their stuff yet. In fact, I’ve only heard 3 songs that I love -the two I mentioned, and an awesome one called “The Widow”, but I’m sure there’s more. I’ll probably do a playlist for them so you can hear their stuff, but be warned. They’re another one of my acquired tastes. 😛

I’m doing some writing -more shutting down of fics- and I’m going to make some decisions on what really, really isn’t going to be completed. I started all of my fics with the hope that they’d all get conclusions, but I think some probably won’t. Ever After found an end because it was special, but I think most forgot it was ever written because it took so long to end. There is another old one that may never see an end, too. I know people are waiting for it, but if it doesn’t come to me soon, I’m going to write it off. In other words, I want to concentrate on my current stuff, particularly the gift fics, so I can have my shit in order. I don’t know when I will stop writing (I did once, but not now), but I know it won’t be InuYasha fics forever. That means, I need to do what I’m going to do while I still have the desire to do it!

And in a WTF?! moment, why did I just hear that an Italian chef was banned from the airwaves (He had a cooking show), for suggesting that his viewers try “Casserole of Cat”. He went on to call the dish “succulent” and say that it was “a lot better than many other animals. Better than chicken, rabbit or pigeon”. Dude… o_O

And last, but not least, I ordered a plushie from Notoes for Kau who is a big Kouga fan as well as a Saints football fan, and this is what I came up with!

He’s even rocking Kau’s name on his jersey (though the number belongs to Reggie Bush). She loved him and that made me happy. 😀

Later taterz!

Q. Hentai?
A. Yes, thank you!

Questing For Conclusions.

Tuesday, 23 February, 2010

Hey Dolls! ^_^

Yeah, MIA again, but you know why if you’ve been to Absolution. I’m updating again and all of my spare time has been swallowed up with it. But that’s a good thing, ne? I just nailed the final spike in Ever After, and I’m proud of my handiwork. You have NO idea how good it feels to close out some stories. First, I did it with All The Things You Never Say, then Ever After, and now, I’m working on another. And those are just the ones that are near the end. That’s not counting the stuff I’ve been working on for the ongoing stories. Squee! With Honor came out decently, too, and I wasn’t even planning on updating that one yet. Woo! ^_^

My goal for the longest time has been to kill off the stragglers, and I feel like I’m finally accomplishing some of that. I really want to get rid of them in ways that please me, which is something I haven’t done in a while, so it’s been fun to see my visions come to life. And huge, HUGE thanks to y’all for showing the fics some love. I appreciate that so much. <3 Now, for the fucking RAGE. The post office sucks. We've established that before, but they just took sucking to a new fucking level. They've had my pkge lost since 2/16. 3 trips in person, 12 phone calls (at one point, I was on hold for 45 minutes), and a whole lot of "It's not physically here" (Then where the FUCK is it physically AT?!). Disgusted and thoroughly pissed off doesn't begin to cover how I feel. Kau sent me a birthday package filled with awesomeness, and they fucking lost it.

Don’t be surprised if I call some of you for bail money.

I just got a Placebo CD of cover songs that I didn’t have. They re-did Depeche Mode’s “I Feel You” and Kate Bush’s “Running Up That Hill”. The latter is better. DM is a very hard band to cover with any sense of decency. They’re too fucking epic to be duplicated, so while I love Brian and the boys, they’re not up to par when it comes to Dave Gahan’s singing voice. The music? Fantastic. The singing? Not so much.
(Goodies… :D)

I’m supposed to be working on a new skin for Absolution to be displayed in time for my birthday, but I’m having second thoughts. It has NADA to do with Neo’s beautiful work. No one rawks mah shit the way Neo does! xD My issue is that Kagome is in the picture. >.>

Y’all know that I tolerate Kags, and I love her for InuYasha, but on her own merit, I’m not a fan. More to the point, I don’t like the idea of having other characters on Absolution other than InuYasha and my anime likeness. Abi is completely, completely InuYasha’s domain, so having anyone else in the spotlight doesn’t sit all that well. Silly? Maybe, especially since I pen I/K fiction, but I’m territorial that way. I’ll probably still do it (the skin), but I’m in no big rush, lol. In fact, the only reason why I would is so that you guys can see Neo’s awesome shit!

Okay, I’m off to do some more writing. How about a little Yasha to tide ya over??

Beast by Sakasagami

Q: How awesome is Demon Yasha?
A: Pretty fucking awesome!